OCCOM BILL wrote:Kicky... kicky kicky. Perhaps when you've actually touched a few more women (imagination and porn just won't do) you'll start to figure it out. Till then, here's a little clue of what a truly beautiful woman looks like.
Bill don't make me mad now, or I'll take away your Barbie Dolls, young lady!
Yeah, you are right Bill. I think Penelope Cruz is beautiful. But that girl I put up is HOT. Admit it. Your eyes practically fell out of your head when that image came up! Come on, you can admit it. We're guys. When we see big tits, we can't help but want them. I think it's a caveman thing.
But I also agree that the size of the boobs doesn't really matter. It's just that involuntary first reaction. Giant boobs! Ooh yeah!
Oh, and one more thing. Just a theory. I say, in a hundred years, this is what most women will look like in the civilized world. Big breasts equal power. Power over men. They will evolve, and this is the woman of the 22nd century!!!
I can dream can't I? :wink: