What about the influence of marketing? Barbie Dolls, using models that look like adolescent boy's fantasies, in short constructing a whole youth and beauty culture devoted to selling "the product".
While being grossly over weight is unhealthy so is starvation. We are a society that believes that if healthy weight is good then under weight is better. (Yuck!

) On the other hand stats say the USA is a nation of obese over eaters. What the heck is going on? It all sounds crazy to me.
In my first post I mentioned the physical problems associated with even normally large breasts. If theres is someone, one cares about, why would you want them to suffer? If large breasts are the primary reason for being interested in a woman, what happens if she needs a mastectomy? Does one "chuck" her for another big boobed babe?
Insisting on physical "beauty" in a partner is silly. When one finds someone who has beautiful emotional, psychological and spiritual qualities, after a time one realizes that they are physically beautiful as well.