Here's a rephrased example you can talk to,
Accountability and responsibility are different things. This can be confusing for non determinists, but that doesn't mean it's any less true. For example, if a parrot in a persons house develops the behavior of biting guests, what is the best course of action? Obviously, to put the parrot in a bird cage to prevent it from biting guests. The parrot is treated as a threat to the guests and locked up in order to prevent it from doing harm - regardless of it being an innocent creature. It is held accountable for its actions, and action is taken (caging) to prevent its biting behavior from affecting others. It is not held responsible as an inherently evil parrot (except maybe by some jokes and laughter).
Similarly, human beings aren't born good or evil, such concepts don't even exist outside the imagination as labels for types of behavior, humans are shaped by society and their environment, in the deterministic view.
Similarly, imprisonment and even executions are a means to an end to control threats, but harsher treatment than necessary in order for payback or "getting what they deserve" is just frivolous and inhumane when you realize that human beings as individuals are no more in control than the collection of their human cells.
Like I said in my original post, no amount of correcting your multitude of reasoning flaws will help you stop making dozens of reasoning errors every single day, it is too slow a learning method, investigate what controls human behavior yourself.
You can substitute dogs/cats/toddlers and biting with the same story, if you prefer to talk to dogs or cats or humans, once you realize they are all animals, born from circumstances out of their control, and raised in an environment they didn't create. Also, why you need to be able to talk to the things in the example is beyond me, perhaps that's free-will believer logic. Also, molecules and cells aren't quite the same stuff.