It was the Friday and Saturday night entertainment. The band was basically for background music. Mostfights were just between two people, sex didn't matter. However, after that one fight, it was over for good.
I had been a pocieman and county deputy prior, so I could tell fairly well in advancce,who would get into things and guessed within five minutes of thactual start time. It saved the staff problems, when I would get them aside and say, "Watch that one. He'll be starting things in about 15 minutes." or whatever. I was offered a job there as bouncer, but I had recently returned to university at the time and didn't like having to give weekly statements to the authorities, after the brawls.
I returned to that town five years ago, after coming out, and had a duece of a time trying to locate the biker bar. It was a very quiet, subdued place, but I found a few of my old friends. Most have sold their bikes and bought into mainstream society. They had no problems with the changes in me and some of the men even hit on me...in a friendly way. :wink: The other patrons were either from the neighborhood or very young, boisterous students, trying to impress everyone with their new found knowledge.
The original bar was upscale for about five years, then it became a deli that sold spirits. Now, it's a furniture store. It isn't the same.