Sam- OK, I'll try.
I have just reviewed your postings and have found that I overlooked an important one here. You've made several valid remarks in that posting.
My comment of outlawing deception and sex was followed by a wink (:wink:). I thought you might understand. I apologize for any misunderstanding. I realized then, as now, that you would not attempt that for any reason.
I'm still trying hard to figure out the sexual deception part. I can agree with your understanding of deception as you descibe it and apologize for making light of it. This case is extremely complex. It's not common for a woman to have a constant menstual period and this is often the excuse used by transgendered women for not having coitus. If this was Gwen's excuse, the men she was with regularly had to be damned stupid, desperate, or both. Sam thinks that they were too damn drunk to be rational.
The stats are flawed on all sides, as you showed. My guess is that there are even more transgendered people murdered than we know. With police investigations as they are, reports can easily be wrong. True, the groups are often reporting deaths from the information garnered by the media, but some are from knowing a closeted person as well.
There is an old saying and it was even mentioned in my college Psychological Testing class. "Figures don't lie, but liars can figure." If true, most trying to keep records are liars, intentionally or not. That being the case, I'm ready to apologize for my errors and compliment you on your fine way of showing them to me. So, knowing that the stats are skewed, how
do we rectify the situation?
I sure wouldn't want to be on the jury! There are too many unknowns. Were these kids doing any other drugs. Were they tested for any? How much pot and beer was consumed by whom? A life was lost and others ruined for life, all because they were young and ignorant, stupid if you like.
Hopefully, it will help prevent things like this from happening again. A Gwen Araujo Memorial Fund has been started to help teach Bay Area transgendered teens to teach how to approach others on their being transgendered, as well as how to protect themselves against attacks of any kind. if only it was a "kinder and gentler" world, we wouldn't be discussing this, except in the past tense.