Mon 29 Dec, 2014 04:05 am
Hi. I can picture a film scene in my head, but cannot remember the name of the film. I'm almost sure the main character was either Sylvester or Arnie. I see a girl about 14. She is holding a teddy bear. They have captured her dad (Arnie or Sylvester). They are in woods. She approaches them holding this teddy bear and talks it. Inside she has hidden I believe a gun or some weapon.
It's driving me crazy. I thought it was Commando, but it was on last night and it's not that. Got me thinking of this other film.
Please can you solve this for me.
Thank you
Okay you know how in the movie RED they made a bunch of dumb references. The pig with the gun inside it from LSD dude. Could he have actually been the actor your looking for?