eoe, Abe did a pretty good job with fireplace light.
No matter how you look at it,
a "man" is at best 60% of a wo(man)
Main Entry: 1man
Pronunciation: 'man, in compounds "man or m&n
Function: noun
Inflected Form(s): plural men /'men, in compounds "men or m&n/
Etymology: Middle English, from Old English man, mon human being, male human; akin to Old High German man human being, Sanskrit manu
Date: before 12th century
1 a (1) : an individual human; especially : an adult male human (2) : a man belonging to a particular category (as by birth, residence, membership, or occupation) -- usually used in combination <councilman> (3) : HUSBAND (4) : LOVER b : the human race : MANKIND c : a bipedal primate mammal (Homo sapiens) that is anatomically related to the great apes but distinguished especially by notable development of the brain with a resultant capacity for articulate speech and abstract reasoning, is usually considered to form a variable number of freely interbreeding races, and is the sole representative of a natural family (Hominidae); broadly : any living or extinct member of this family d (1) : one possessing in high degree the qualities considered distinctive of manhood (2) obsolete : the quality or state of being manly : MANLINESS e : FELLOW, CHAP f -- used interjectionally to express intensity of feeling <man, what a game>
2 a : INDIVIDUAL, PERSON <a man could get killed there> b : the individual who can fulfill or who has been chosen to fulfill one's requirements <she's your man>
3 a : a feudal tenant : VASSAL b : an adult male servant c plural : the working force as distinguished from the employer and usually the management
4 a : one of the distinctive objects moved by each player in various board games b : one of the players on a team
5 : an alumnus of or student at a college or university <a Bowdoin man>
6 Christian Science : the compound idea of infinite Spirit : the spiritual image and likeness of God : the full representation of Mind
7 often capitalized : POLICE <when I heard the siren, I knew it was the Man -- Amer. Speech>
8 often capitalized : the white establishment : white society <surprise that any black... should take on so about The Man -- Peter Goldman>
9 : one extremely fond of or devoted to something specified <strictly a vanilla ice cream man>