Fri 19 Dec, 2014 11:59 pm
That's it basically. A friend was watching this and this was the only spot I saw..
Music was playing (I want to say classical? but it was a strong tune) and the clip I was watching, switched back and forth as if, as one thing was happening so was the other..It was between a woman being made love to and a guy being raped, in confinement or just confronted somewhere where he couldn't get away. Every once in a while I wonder, what the heck was this movie actually? So if anyone knows it, I can let my curiosity rest.
Speculation: The guy who was watching it usually liked movies like mafia or a controversial disturbing topic. I don't know if this was the subject but the clip I noticed looked like it could have been.
I don't know, but it sounds dreadful.
I hope someone can answer your question for you though.