The more gun nuts write to defend being ******* insane, the more nuts they demonstrate themselves to be.

^ That guy always pops in my mind when I consider the gun huggers
Also, lol@WoW
edgarblythe wrote:The more gun nuts write to defend being ******* insane, the more nuts they demonstrate themselves to be.
Look, Freedom Hater, there's a whole world out there full of countries where no one has any rights. If you want to live in a place where there is no freedom, there's a lot of places you can go.
The gun nuts hate freedom for anybody but themselves.
thack45 wrote:Also, lol@WoW
The DDOSers are not funny. When they are finally caught, they should be fed to a pack of hungry Forsaken.
edgarblythe wrote:The gun nuts hate freedom for anybody but themselves.
Quite your whining, Freedom Hater. No one is going to let you abolish American's freedom.
And all along, swimming like an unseen monster just under the surface, gun violence. Far more Americans have died from the ongoing national domestic gun violence epidemic than ISIS and Ebola combined can ever hope to match. Every time the furor over guns dies down a bit, that monster casually snatches a few more victims. Children. Women. Men.
And all the while, the gun nuts howl like loons to distract us. They ramble about spoons making you fat. Cars. Criminals. Terrorists. Obama’s comin’ fer ma gunz! Molon Labe! Twisted interpretations of the Constitution, its Amendments, and/or the Bible. Right wing pundits help out with hysteria over Benghazi and Ebola.
No, they’re never going to stop. The insanity will continue, the distractions will pile up. But if you do nothing, if you abstain from voting, they gain more power. And the gun violence epidemic will continue unchecked. You can choose to do nothing. Or you can choose to say enough.
Being a gun-owner from the Bullet Belt, I can say that most people who own guns are just that, people who own guns. However, there is no shortage of people who go overboard with it, just like with just about every other human endeavor, like race car driving, drinking, smoking, doing drugs, golf, politics, eating, amassing wealth, possessions or political power.
I don't have a problem with anyone going overboard with anything until it starts affecting others in a negative way, and among the things that I listed, I don't think gun ownership ranks anywhere near the top. I'd guess that more lives have been lost in a person or group's obsession with political power or the amassing of personal wealth than through gun ownership. Or through alcohol or drug consumption, including smoking. Probably through food addiction, too. Not throwing out red herrings; just saying that it's not #1 on my list of priorities for some pretty obvious reasons.
That said, I am NOT defending wingnuts who build their arguments on fallacies such as appeals to tradition or authority. Actually, I see no dearth of wingnuts on either side of this argument. My position is pretty centrist. That's why I catch a lot of **** from both extremes. I do think something should be done to address the number of gun deaths in the US, but I'm very far from convinced that prohibition is the solution for America. It's a very different environment from, say, England or Australia. Prohibition wouldn't work Stateside. That much is obvious.
Of course. I have owned guns myself and would not hesitate to use one in certain situations. There are gun owners and there are the insane ones.
FBM wrote:That said, I am NOT defending wingnuts who build their arguments on fallacies such as appeals to tradition or authority. Actually, I see no dearth of wingnuts on either side of this argument. My position is pretty centrist. That's why I catch a lot of **** from both extremes.
Kudos for trying to be reasonable, but I think you picked the wrong thread for it. This thread is about "people who hate America's freedom" spouting childish name-calling at "people who defend America's freedom".
FBM wrote:I do think something should be done to address the number of gun deaths in the US,
Does it really matter so much whether someone is killed with a gun verses killed with some other weapon?
FBM wrote:but I'm very far from convinced that prohibition is the solution for America. It's a very different environment from, say, England or Australia. Prohibition wouldn't work Stateside. That much is obvious.
Prohibition would be a grave violation of our Constitutional rights even if it did manage to solve any alleged problems.
edgarblythe wrote:Obama’s comin’ fer ma gunz! Molon Labe! Twisted interpretations of the Constitution, its Amendments,
Your buddies who pulled off the 9/11 attacks hated our freedom too.
Quote: Your buddies who pulled off the 9/11 attacks hated our freedom too.
Some people like you have no ability to disagree without spurting out nasty lies and insults at those with whom they disagree.
I seem to recall a time when our manners were equivalent to our debating "skills".
Try thinking a bit more before posting, your statement that I highlighted, is very childish.
farmerman wrote:Some people like you have no ability to disagree without spurting out nasty lies and insults at those with whom they disagree.
Not "like me". If you want to point out people who can't disagree without name-calling, you'll have to go point at other people.
farmerman wrote:Try thinking a bit more before posting, your statement that I highlighted, is very childish.
It is also perfectly appropriate for
what I was replying to.
I don't see the need for further thought unless I was going to craft something even more rude. But I think I my response was calibrated perfectly as-is. No further rudeness was required.