Wed 2 Jun, 2004 08:45 pm
Thousands of us all around you.
We protect you all the time,
Yet you treat us badly...
You burn us in public buildings
to make you seem better;
You try to make us straight,
but most of us refuse usually;
When we are dead, you are pleased.
Yet, when we are gone, you are sad.
What are we?
cigarrettes! heh...kidding..let me think more.
I was thinking of jews during the holocaust, from a nazi perspective. But then they did the same thing to books and that fits the last line a lot better.
Stuh, I considered hair, but for me there are two parts that dont fit the one you pointed out and I dont think "you try to make us straight" fits very well either.
Good try.
By the way I dont know the answer, got this from a site where no one there knows it either.
maybe the person who wrote it thought that the hair on our head was already dead
Re: What are we?
kev wrote:;
When we are dead, you are pleased.
What are we?
I cant think why the author of the riddle would make this part deliberately not fit. It doesn't make sense. If it were not living it wouldn't grow and I suppose you would go bald, nobody wants that
Apart from this hair fits nicely. (I can get over my other objection)
When I look at this I keep going back to my first thought which was lightbulbs.
Thousands of us all around you. True.
We protect you all the time, True, from darkness
Yet you treat us badly...
You burn us in public buildings True
to make you seem better; We look better as people than as shadows
You try to make us straight, Neon lights
but most of us refuse usually; Most lights aren't straight
When we are dead, you are pleased. Turned off, they dont cost us money
Yet, when we are gone, you are sad. We have to buy more
MMMMM think hair is better.
in either case I think we are smarter than the riddle's author
Political documents in an embassy?
It's Hair.
Hair, like skin and fingernails, is made up of dead cells. It is not alive.
And no one like being bald.
Can someone straighten this out for me, is hair dead or alive? Is there a beautician in the house?
Hair is dead. Like your fingernails, and the very top layers of your skin. You can cut your hair and your fingernails (and, if you had incredible coordination and a microscopically fine knife, the top layers of your skin) without feeling anything. That means they're dead. Also, there's no blood flow to them. That's a big hint.
I'm with Adrian. 'Hair' as an answer does not work. But 'trees' sounds viable.
Closure time people, the answer was HAIR.