darlenesyl926 wrote:Last Sunday, at our church, they gave us an envlope. We were told not to open it until we were told to. Now when we were told to open it..there was money in each of our envlopes. All together as a family we had $50.00. The question to us, was how can we make this money grow..for GOD...we sat down as a family, and discussed it. We decided to give the money to our food pantry with little stickers, reaching out to them to become part of our church. We then decided to give $15.00 a week for offering, more than we gave before. We did something very good with the money they gave us..and we pledged it for the whole year.
It was a very different way to have giving spelled out to us....even the kids got it.
That was a pretty good way of getting the lesson across. At my church, we have never passed the offering plate. We have offering boxes at the doors leading into the sanctuary and people are free to give or not give as God leads them. The idea being that what a person decides to do re giving to God is a personal matter and passing the plate is akin to putting pressure on people to give. Normally the only mention made to giving is just a brief reminder at the end of the services the "the offering boxes are by the door".
I think people respond better when they are not always hearing about and being pushed to give.
Oh, and to answer the initial question, I have my tithe ready each week to drop in the box. No change needed.