well IMO two wrongs dont make a right

they make a big poop pie and then we all gotta eat a slice

(my new saying is when we are all together we are all right but when we are divided we are all wrong)
only when you multiply two negative numbers in maths does it make a positive number

but then again in math when you multiply two imaginary numbers you get a real number...hmmm
and politicians couldnt gave an erm monkeys

about truth and whats wrong or right

...as long as them n their mates are in power and their bank accounts are into 6 or 7 figures..besides they make the laws while only we have to obey them

all these countries actualy have agreements so you cant bring these people to justice ie diplomatic immunity

its plain wrong
and this american soldier immunity the usa is trying to push thru the un is outrageous
and recently i read the usa has made deals with 80 other countries for mutual agreements to hold its erm representatives beyond prosecution
so its good to see mr moore is actually doing something to hammer this home into the tiny brains of the public..... these people can only get away with erm shafting us all if we all let em

ps i love the BBB posted report with the quote
Quote:Mr. Moore, who has tackled corporate greed (Roger & Me) and gun control (Bowling for Columbine), now feels driven and obligated to strip the façade from a swaggering, bow-legged, grammatically challenged bully and a cabinet that is beginning to look more like the Third Reich every day.
america uber alles

all raise your right arms now please
im not just having a go at the good old usa here
i think this is the same in every counrty especially the uk too
the problem with this world is us people think we need to be governed whereas in reality the real problem is the government
reality is based on agreement
while we all agree they have the power it makes it real
if we all had to do it ourselves n take our own erm poop if anything went wrong i think we all soon learn to be nice to each other
hmm ive said enough
ill be getting a visit from the men in black if im not careful

peace n love y'all

power to the people and mr moore