First off, I said before that any personal created meanings in life are delusional since life has no meaning. I would actually have to correct myself on that now that I have thought about it. This would just include meanings that do not go against science. So since it is a scientific fact that any personal meanings we create are no different than the combined functioning of the atoms and particles in our brains that create these meanings, then to actually say that our personal created meanings have no meaning, this would mean that we don't have any functioning atoms and molecules in our brains which would be false here. However, this would only include meanings besides "good" and "bad" since, as I'm going to explain below, good and bad are scientific properties. This would also include meanings besides being in your own mind and the pleasure of others not being anything good from your perspective since you cannot experience their pleasure and that it would all just be neutral thoughts from your perspective that judges the pleasure of others being either good or bad.
Now I said that the word "good" means "that which is desired." But there could also be other definitions of the word good out there. So one might say that our pleasure is not what we would call a "good" sensation, but instead a "pleasant" sensation and, therefore, we can still be good people in other ways besides pleasure. However, these other definitions are delusional because good can only mean one thing in terms of evolution which would be our encouragement (pleasure) to survive and benefit our survival. Again, pleasure really is something that encourages our survival in life, but can be misused in not benefiting ours and the survival of others and can be used in harming ourselves and others. And as I said before earlier in my writing, you can still harm others and you would still be a good person as long as you have pleasure. However, I would never harm others because it is in my wiring of my brain and evolutionary design to be caring and compassionate towards others even despite my personal beliefs here. Nor would I ever consider such a thing anyway.
The reason why the only thing good is pleasure is because if we had no emotions or any pleasant or unpleasant sensations to any degree whatsoever, then all thoughts would be the same in the sense that they wouldn't encourage us to do anything in life. You would still get up and do things anyway in life, but it would not be encouragement, "looking forward" to things in life, or viewing anything as "good" at all. If we have just thoughts alone of things being good in life, being encouraged, and looking forward to things in life, these thoughts are just mere neutral images, words, sounds, etc. that only trick us into believing so.
If we had no emotions or any unpleasant sensations such as pain whatsoever, then I ask you how a thought (message) in the brain of your life being good is any different than a thought that your life is bad other than them simply being different words, sounds, images, etc? Sure, one type of thought might send messages to other parts of our brain that enable us to perform actions such as walking, talking, etc. while another makes us perform different actions or doesn't make us do anything at all. But all these other parts of our brain responsible for other things besides emotions and unpleasant sensations, they cannot be defined as anything good or bad or be defined by any other personal meanings we create either since, again, the combined atoms and particles that define our personal created meanings in our brains cannot define the combined atoms and particles of these other parts of our brain since they are different. And they wouldn't be anything good or bad on their own anyway.
Now you might be thinking that "Ok, so my life is nothing good without my pleasure. But at least my life is still worthwhile." But even this word "worthwhile" is based on perceiving things as good in life, looking forward to living your life, being encouraged in life, etc. As I said before, pleasure is the only thing that is good in life.
Therefore, good is a scientific property (which would be the atoms and particles that give us pleasure). Same thing for bad. So you would be delusional to think that your life is good or bad or that you are a good or bad person without feelings of pleasure or pain since good and bad are actual scientific properties and your personal created meanings in life (your thoughts) can never be these scientific properties. As I said before, "good" is a scientific property (which would be the pleasure itself) while all our thoughts remain a different scientific property.
Finally, I should say that the emergent property (pleasure) is the result of all the combined atoms and particles in our brains that are responsible for it. But it does not exist as anything else in this universe besides the combined functioning of those atoms and particles (such as some supernatural entity that cannot be defined by the functioning of atoms and particles).