JLNobody wrote:Can one simply choose to believe in God, in order to place one's bets according to Pascal's Wager? I could not take the theist position even if I wished to. And the other side of the wager is this: if a God does not exist, one has given up a substantial portion of the intellectual freedom of his ONE life on a false hope. A poor wager indeed.
I could send you the 4 page paper I wrote showing the futility of Pascal's Wager if you like, but take my word for it, it's a poor analysis.
My gf is Christian and she presented me with this notion: what theists lose in their false belief in the existence of God, they gain in the happier life they lead. Obviously, this does not apply to every single theist, but it does to most.
What she's/I'm trying to say is that sure they live their life believing something that is false (don't we all have false beliefs?), but this false belief causes them to live a happier life (thinking some infinite being is out there watching over them). People gain hope, happiness, and confidence from the belief of God (once again, in most cases), which is something I believe outweighs the negatives of the false belief. If this is your only life, better to lead it happily thinking there is an afterlife and a God that cares for you rather than knowing that once you die you're done.
You can state cases where someone lives a shorter life (etc) because of their belief in God to counter this, but I think that's rare. We're not in Roman Times anymore so no being fed to the tigers

Having said all this, I'm still agnostic

Edit: Yes, I believe it is a survival mechanism/comfort mechanism. The thought of this life being it is scary to a lot of people (including me). Some choose to believe in an afterlife etc to counter their fear. Whatever floats their boat...