I'v recently started watching Kung-fu Movies and want to add to my collection I'm looking for movies that i may not be aware of. This is where I am so far I will put them in a list of my fav downward... I know there is way more out there HELP...
Dragon Gate, 14 Blades, Hero, MOTFG, Kung Fu hustle, white haired witch of luna Kingdom, True Legend, Enter the Dragon (all Bruce lee films), Kung fu Master jet lee, house of flying daggers, Crouch Tiger, Man with iron fists,The Four 2, kill bill , Big trouble in Little China, ip man, bodyguards and assassins, Street Fighter cartoon, mortal kombat (very dissapointed in both would ov loved so so much better with this)
I'm about to watch the following
Fearless, AKIRA, ONG BAK 1 2 and 3, Iron Monkey, Evil Cult, Legend of the Fist, forbidden Kingdom and the Four....
That is What I have so far... If you Know of Something I Must see or you think i would Enjoy please Respond with TITLES