You appear to be ignoring the obviouds flaws in the Obamacare system that many people simoly don't like - independently of all the political rhetoric and propaganda, bioth for and against the new system.
The fact is the ACA is less an insurance scheme than a government controlled market designed to pay for even routine, relatively low cost elements of health care - as opposed to a real insurance scheme designed to spread the risk and cost associated with high cost and extraordinary needs. Indeed ACA explicitly prohibits traditional catastrophic care policies. In addition it required everyone to pay for certain services favored by the government framers of the system, whether they will or even can use them or not.
Perhaps more importantly it attempts to lower the cost of health care services by government fiat without doing anything to lower the real cost of delivering them. This highly unrealistic element of the program is already having adverse and possibly unanticipated side effects that injure many elements of the public, To get costs down to the mandated rates insurers have created narrow networks of providers, promising them higher volume in return for lower unit costs. This restricts public choice and will end up reducing the number of available providers, including both doctors and hospitals. Competition, already hampered by insurance schemes is further reduced, and the quality of care will surely decline. All of this is both stupid and unnecessary. The main effect of the program has been to vastly expand current Medicaid programs at government expense. That's not much to brag about.