This reply of yours does you no credit, and shows you up for what you are.
Selfish and deluded,
Nearly every English speaking child learns to read and write at school, and learns the basics of how to spell and pronounce the vast majority of English words so that the vast majority of other English speaking people may understand their written word, no matter how those words are pronounced from region to region.
It is language weirdos who come along and try to change things around, and these new fangled ways of doing things are often ill thought through and misguided.
The result is that I find your posts tiresome to read, and have it in my mind that in real life you must sound like a backwoods throwback.
If the words are spelt universally as we all know them, then we can pronounce them the way we wish to pronounce them in our heads as we read, according to the region on this planet that we are familiar with.
To have kiddy spelling rammed down our throats is pretty ridiculous to my mind. I have to semi translate what you write, and usually have it in mind that you are silly even before I've worked out what it is you are trying to say.
Which is a shame, because underneath all that idiocy, I think you have a reasonable brain trying to get out.