Generally these stories about suicide bombers are not very interesting to me. Seemly this entertaiment is becoming ordinary .
There are rather more interesting information about new details of the Nord-Ost. Really it is looking more and more amazing. Mr. Terkibaev, an FSB agent and also Movsar Baraev's assistant during Nord-Ost as well as Putin's representative in the PACE, wasn't the only terrorist survived during the Nord-Ost (as it could be easily suggested). Another at least one is nobody but famous "Abubakar" (this is a nick) himself. During their conversations with Baraev Russian State Duma Deputy Govorukhin noticed that in response to every hard question Baraev used to say: "I need to ask Abubakar... This is what Abubakar knows better... Abubakar told me that I should... " etc.
This mysterious Abubakar was the real head of the terrorist group while Movsar Baraev was just his spokeman. Unlike Baraev Abubakar never took off his mask and avoided any conversation. But that was not all. Abubakar, also involved in the explosions of buses in Moscow in 1996, has been noticed as an old FSB agent. Furthermore his face looks very similar to the photorobot of a man noticed by witnesses during the explosion on the Pushkin Square in 2000 and then he became the main suspect of that criminal case. His connection with the FSB was discoveed by an FSB Colonel Trepashkin who insisted on arresting and interrogating this guy. Instead the FSB arrested Trepashkin himself after they had brought a few bullets to his apartment (a very common practice in todays Russia). Now he is still in prison.
When investigator of the Moscowian Criminal Investigation Department Taratorkin was checking the bodies of the terrorists killed in Nord-Ost he amazingly discovered that Abubakar's body had disappeared. The man, who had Abubakar's document was not the one. Taratorkin immediately reported about it to the General Prosecutor and demanded to put A-kar to the listing of wanted persons. In response Ta-kin was immediately arrested allegedly for opening a state secret but very soon released and fired from the Militia.
Here are some links about Nord-Ost (beginning from the mentioned interview with Terkibaev and a lot of other reports and comments) I've picked up from the Russian and American Jamestown Foundation pages:
One of the terrorists survived. We found him. (Novaya Gazeta, April 28, 2003)
Russian Authorities Hedge Over Special Services Involvement in Moscow Theater Siege (Novaya Gazeta, May 5, 2003)
Our interview with Anna Politkovskaya: "No one is interested in the essence of the current events in our country" (Human Rights Information regional organization, May 7, 2003)
Where Is Abubakar?
But the story is just beginning. The most amazing thing is that these post-Nord-Ost FSBist actions became closely linked with a new wave of repressions against last opposition political survivors. The beginning of this process took place a year ago when State Duma Deputy Golovlev was assassinated but unknown criminals. Golovlev was an assistant of Yushenkov - the leader of the Liberal Russia party (don't confuse with the fascist Liberal Democratic Party), the only legal anti-Putin movement. Therefore his assassination caused a lot of questions but the authorities as usually said that it was a criminal argument. Yushenkov himself was assassinated 6 months later. It's interesting that his death occured on the next day after he was told by Litvinenko - an FSB defector living in London - about Terkibaev and FSB's involvement in Nord-Ost. Yushenkov was going to investigate it so carefully as possible using all his deputy's power. If he discovered something we don't know yet - this question will remain unanswered forever. A week later one of his assistant got an assylum in the USA. The last Yushenkov's assistant was arrested by the FSB and accused in assassination of Yushenkov. The night before his arrest he told his friends: "I have a feeling that I'm going to be arrested by the FSB".
Meanwhile the FSB continued their heroic war on the Moscowian Militia. Several weeks ago the official propagandists fullfilled all the TV and radio channels by their loud victorious speeches. The famous Case of Werwolfes began! Allegedly The FSB arrested a group of militiamen who had been involved in illegal arm-dealing, falsification of criminal cases and furthermore they were suspected in assasination of Yushenkov. In the center of the Werwolfes is (as you probably have already guessed) nobody else but Taratorkin, just released after his first arrest. T-kin and all his closest cooperators were arrested again which was praised by all Russian (and many foreign as well) medias as the greatest Putin's victory against the corruption inside the Militia, a new great progress in his movement toward democracy and "dictatorship of law" etc. Basing on it I have a feeling that T-kin will hardly evermore see freedom

Two weeks ago the FSB made another strike: Yury Shekochikhin, State Duma Deputy, the Yabloko Party's member, a friend of Yushenkov, and anti-Chechen war protester, died in mysterious circumstances. Allegedly he got a too strong allergic reaction but the medics call this reaction very strange and they haven't found the allergen yet.
This is an article about him:
Awfully Familiar
And to complete the defeat of the Liberal Russia, it has been declared out of law. It happened in a standart scenario: a pro-Kremlin LR member, Pokhmelkin, organized a meeting with a couple of his friends where he called himself the leader of the LR and excluded Ivan Rybkin (another Londoner-defector, former chief of the State Security Council, todays chief of the LR and Yushenkov follower) from the party. Then Pokhmelkin demanded the court to recognize himself the only legal party's chief. The court of course did it willingly. So the rest part of the party has been declared illegal while this what is known yet under the Liberal Russia title has turned to another Putin's fan-club.
This is the story I found deserving to be mentioned here. I hope it was not too boring.