@Frank Apisa,
Want to know what I am really angry with? Let's see.
A. I am angry because people choose their emotional drama over your personal health when they get mad at you or give you the silent treatment even though you have the integrity and the responsibility to not act like a big baby to actually communicate with them, work with them - wherein you never ever thought about causing their body and mind stress with your petty issues that could have been solved if you would stop being a sour puss and face them for once in your miserable self-dwelling life.
B. I am angry because people treat life as a joke and treat death as if it was more important than their own loved ones and life, after completely ignoring every ******* chance of transcending from their fears and insecurities. I am so sick and tired of people mourning about death, while giving absolutely no respect and attention to life.
C. I am angry because every ******* system that shapes our society and our ability to thrive as a community is being used by idiots and intellects. Everyone and their pet thinks they have the world all figured out, when they can't even ******* comprehend the sheer stupidity of their current society, let alone face their life's fears and insecurities.
D. I am angry because people are attracted to jack asses and fools, liars and tools, but demonize every single genius and great man to have ever lived - well, until they die of course, then we're back at ******* point B.
E. I am angry because wise men suffer while ungrateful men prosper. The only reason why this is happening in the first place is because people don't like to see themselves inferior, so fat people blame fit people; ignorant people blame intelligent people; fools blame teachers. It's a massive **** fest of a problem that's been ignored for far too long.
F. I am angry because the people continue to act like making noise with their mouth and saying what others have already said is somehow remotely intellectual and innovative to this community. Especially when their entire life's qualities are equated to fools, not teachers; not wise men; not great men. Great men don't ******* live their lives like a Sims game.
G. I am angry because I am so sick of people picking reality over imagination or imagination over reality, when they are both integral to creating a genius. Every ******* child on this planet is born a genius - we are all born into genius, which is inspiration, love, intuition and the ability to see the world in more than one way, like a ******* artist, not a dreadful conformist. The children see the world as green; the conformists see the world as grey.
H. I am angry because wise men not once cared about the use of words like "****", "****", or what say you. When people like George Carlin, who sees the world for the **** fest that it is, speaks such wise words, while using "those" words, perhaps maybe genius has a rougher and wilder side. Perhaps maybe wise men had this side, but found it too difficult and draining of their energy to deal with every **** all self-righteous prick that cares more about what words someone uses instead of the wars that they continue to ignore day after day. Then when you challenge them, they tell you to worry about yourself right after they just told you what you could and could not say because of their ******* "feelings". Last time I checked, people's "feelings" being "hurt" is because their "feelings" haven't toughened up. Yes, you can toughen your skin and still have a soft heart that loves and admires this world. Hell, people like me who do not give a ******* damn what people think as we speak through the spiraling flames of our tired games we have to play because people want to live as excuses rather than examples every ******* god awful day, care more about everything than these self-proclaimed "loving people" do.
I. I am angry because these sites are here to think and to grow our thoughts, not commit ourselves to bias and bullshit. I am so sick and tired of seeing the same **** after the same **** over and over, no matter which site I go on. We need to change and to see the world with a different face every day; to evolve and replace ourselves like atoms. Einstein said it himself; while we choose to not change after 400,000 years of doing the same ******* mistakes, which simply appear different on surface, the atoms continue to split inside us causing chemical fissures that will send us to unparalleled doom. Our emotions, our fears, our dreams and our energies will consume us sooner than anything in this Universe ever could - maybe it's because the Universe isn't trying to ******* kill us, while we are. Subconsciously, every last one of us deep down are doing things to **** our lives up almost as if we wanted to punish ourselves - for what? Not doing better with our existential crisis, that's what. Making excuses every day. Blaming everything but ourselves. Bringing down people who can change, for what reason? Because it's not us doing the changes. It's not us evolving and making a better world. We would rather make everyone suffer as long as we continue feeling sorry for ourselves - and with that, that truly makes my stomach want to burst from all the sickness these people reveal day after day underneath people's typical understanding of sociology and being oblivious to people's ability to pretend and play make-believe to get what they want because they cannot get it any other way that is remotely honorable.
J. I am angry because everyone is choosing sides. Nobody wants to accept that everything - every ******* aspect of life has its flaws. Why are we trying to be gods by playing perfect, when we don't even have control over our ******* emotions and fears? Why else would we be excusing every ******* responsibility unless we're forced to do it or because it "makes us feel good"? Okay, let me tell you a short story. A man that chose only information became a heartless man that could not feel or love; a man that chose only emotion became a foolish man that could not fight or live. Is it so ******* hard to choose both? Is it really? Let me guess, it's too difficult to balance out two opposing forces with your feeble mentality, isn't it? Well then start learning, because right now, you not sucking it up and getting swallowed whole by your own chemical futility adventures is causing far more damage than you could ever do if you were to take the time and learn how to control the flows of water and fire within you; anger and passion; love and hate; violence and peace. A man cannot control fire without learning first how to control water; a man cannot control water without learning first how to control fire. Why? Maybe it's because life isn't "something"? Maybe it's because life is all about "something being distinctive based on everything else surrounding it". That means that if life was just a dot, no dimension and no distinction, then what the **** do you call this? Besides a great depiction of people's egos, of course.
K. I am angry because people are so full of themselves, that they see themselves in giant objects rather than tiny objects. The seed cannot be crushed, while the tree can be chopped down, yet somehow people still convince themselves that bigger is better - oh really!? That's why that giant ******* sun is simply the result of countless atomic particles, right? That the bottom of the skyscraper is holding the rest of it up, right? How about your ******* pain you always run away from? Your mother's uterus did not go into rehab to give birth to you just so you can live your life running from the very thing that created your sorry ass. That music, art, writing, voicing our thoughts; feeling, creating and communicating life as it created us is far more intensive in productivity and change than any ******* war, hate fest and religion or any group that separates themselves from what is simply one universal picture that is appearing in different forms, right?
L. I am angry because people loved me when I was a fool, a jackass, a coward - now that I am wise, humble, yet wild, nobody wants to truly give themselves a chance to stand up to me because they shatter in pieces. They try to glue themselves together, but my heat impedes on every single one of their attempts to force their pieces together. Hell, people already lost by making it about them beating me, instead of making it about improving on a universal understanding of this Universe, to better understand it, its creatures and its creations. I am so sick and tired of picking **** all day, while people pick at their asses and their noses all day. I got this whole ******* Universe figured out, and people don't even have the simplest of things figured out. It's ******* disgusting how lazy and how much leisure people get for doing absolutely nothing with their lives. Great men and wise men can't even enjoy leisure because we enjoy labor, because we are hard workers and we do things to make things bigger, greater and better for you sorry assholes that treat us like we're enemies because we change this world, we shape this world, while you disgrace it with every ******* chance you get.
M. I am angry because the "fruits of labor" simply is a ******* lie. Politicians sitting on their asses knowingly lying to get voted back into office to do absolutely nothing, hence they ******* lied in the first place to get what they wanted, for themselves, get paid much more than fathers who truly are living their life in an honorable manner and mothers who have to face the consequences of this god awful economy that is only god awful because people still haven't really spoke up about the printing of money which caused inflation. It's disgusting that people are saying they are "happy", "comfortable" and "fine", in this world - of all worlds, you pick a world of unfair trails, unjustified labor, pain, suffering, double standards, hypocrisies, country after county, city after city, country after country, building themselves on lies, excuses, fears and insecurities that started the moment when man destroyed nature for ideas they wrote on ******* paper, which came from trees we chopped down for absolutely unorthodox purposes, thus saying that man fucked nature twice in one selfish swoop. They continue to cheat nature as long as people continue to ignore this world's true colors... You know, the blood red that makes you want to vomit - well, think about this for a change. While you're all comfortable in your life, this world is going to hell, you are an accomplice to every man who has suffered or long passed to that suffering by not speaking up, instead remaining silent like the coward that you are. You see, there's a difference between a child and a coward - some children are braver than the strongest war lords in the history of mankind; so brave, even they knew war wasn't the ******* answer.
N. I am angry because people treat their friends worse than their ******* enemies. When it comes to their friends, they don't show their true face; when it comes to their enemies, they show their true face. Yes, people are honest with their enemies more than they are with their friends. Can you believe it? I sure can. This world is god awful twisted and the only reason why is because people continue to make the wrong turns and instead of turning back, they dig holes under the ******* wall they ran into because they are too much of a ******* fool to realize they went the wrong way; they insist that they must keep going - to where? Well, that's really the conundrum with these people. They want to go somewhere, but they don't know where. Maybe it's because that somewhere is inside them and they are too much of a **** up to realize that they are the problem - they need to turn to themselves and maybe, just maybe, they will discover the power of infinity and wisdom through imagination, intuition and inspiration then.
O. I am angry because people treat poetry as bad as they treat people. They are words. They are not hurting you. They are not doing anything to you. What drives you to condescend it by calling it flowery language and foolish gibberish? Oh, maybe it's because it's not as you make it seem - maybe it's because every wise man and great man wrote in this language; maybe it's because poetry is the language of the Universe's heart being felt by our open minded senses, rather than our selfish, jealous and zealous wishes. Maybe, just maybe, poetry is the sign of ******* intelligence in this god awful world that embraces ignorance and conformity as long as they have what little materials they have to "enjoy" life, in what? Lies. Excuses. Fears. Insecurities. I wouldn't want to live my life like that, because then I would have to cower in shame every time I came across someone who lived live better than I did.
P. I am angry because people don't even understand the intricacies within a wise man's decisions and actions. Nobody truly fathoms the things that we do for our people, our creatures, our world and the very thing we live through; the Universe. My family doesn't even know the small details I put into my actions and decisions. The things I do are left untold, unseen and unreturned. It does not anger me that they don't return the favor - it angers me that they don't discern the favor. Like a shadow of a lightning bolt, giving nitrogen to the world so it can breathe forever more, then disappears in the blink of an eye, that's what my actions and decisions are. That is what wisdom is. Taking small things and creating something great with them; when others see your creation, they cannot see the tiny details you put into it.
Q. I am angry because people won't ******* quit demonizing anger. People assume anger is this emotion that turns you into a monster every time, which just isn't true. Listen to the words of Martin Luther King Jr., then tell me that anger is not the same as passion and wisdom. I am angry because I am human - everyone else that doesn't want to experience their natural emotions are inhumane. We were born with emotions. We were also born with the ability to control them. There's no ******* excuse for letting emotions control you. The only thing you let control you, is the very thing that has always controlled you - that subconscious clock work beneath your sorry ass conscience that goes on and on without your consent.
R. I am angry because people judge people's validity by what they wear, not what they say. If these people truly had power, then explain to me why idiots can see it. Explain to me why idiots cannot understand wise man, but can understand politicians or other authoritative fuckers. Explain to me why wise men are against every single **** puppet in the history of **** puppetry. Also please explain why wise men don't use their uniform to talk - maybe it's because wise men are the good people; the same ******* people we only know from a whisper, because we gave people all the **** and the noise in the world instead. Of all the things we could have used to shape our society, we chose a media that notoriously lies to its people, a political **** fest of monkeys wearing monocles all day, and then we believe them when they tell us that the founding fathers were cruel to their slaves; the indians were barbaric and iraq has weapons of mass destruction. Don't even say "george bush" like a ******* idiot. Everyone and their mother in that **** hole knew that this was bogus, but they carried it out for one reason: oil. Hell, if I lived in any other god awful country, I'd be telling its lies and its bullshit one way or another, whether it be like Thomas Paine's literary arts, or the cryptic arts of say, Michael Angelo. I'm so sick of these people trying to lure people into their **** fest. Wise men don't lure you into their lair, so maybe, just maybe the people need to stop to a full halt and start realizing that they are supporting the enemies of our society, our universality, and our ******* humanity.
S. I am angry because I am sick of hearing stories about mothers not listening to their girl when she says she was molested or worse. "No, they wouldn't do that". Oh, just like your brain never makes you lie, right? **** you and your bullshit, mothers. You need to face your fears and help your kids through this dark world. There's absolutely no reason for you to ******* ignore your own child because you do not want to adhere to your deepest concerns. I am sick of fathers and their petty pride. They really make me laugh when their face swells up like a cherry, yeah, look at that you ******* ejits, even your face can tell you're cherry-picking. Then there's the parents that want their kids to achieve what they haven't because they were too busy ******* around and judging others in the same ******* tune as people are right now. Bunch of god damn hypocrites. It never gets dull saying it - though, it gets difficult accepting that people truly are ******* pharisees.
T. I am angry because I don't live in only a world of stupidity; I live in a world where stupidity is protected by insecurity and people protect that insecurity because they own their own insecurity. Which means that when the first witch didn't escape the ******* fire, if the world was based solely on stupidity without ways to protect it, the people would have saw that if they were a witch, they would have ******* escaped from the ******* human torch gig in the first place. Instead the people made a grave mistake, by grave, I mean they bury their shame and instead of facing their mistakes, they make a ritual out of it in order to make it seem right, rational and reasonable to their sick, twisted image. People will kill others to protect their ******* image. Can you believe it? Again, I can. I actually know what ******* world I live in unlike my counter parts who don't know the difference between their ass and their dreams.
U. I am angry because people will take an opinion over the truth. I am so sick of seeing people take an opinion over a truth, and then preach about the truth - are you ******* out of your mind? You just denied truth for an opinion because it's easier to accept what isn't certain than what is, like death, which I'm sure you have noticed that you fear death like you fear the truth - there's no coincidence there. Also, notice that some people laugh at death; they also laugh at truth. When you start connecting the dots, people's arrogance and vice becomes more and more evident.
V. I am angry because people care more about what doesn't last forever - except life - like fear and desire, than their own ******* body, mind and spirit. If you have no spirit, then you will fear it. That's what it all comes down to. If you don't have a back bone, then you're not going to be able to stand tall, nor will you be able to reach for the stars. You know what they say, the world is big through a valley; small from atop a cliff. Everything that actually matters in life lies in those decisions that were too tense for you to make. Every time a decision is difficult, it's because that decisions holds more value than any other decision - so much, that even your conscience can't handle it because it's been too busy sucking the teats of a brain washed society.
W. I am angry because while there are good men speaking the truth, knowing what they are saying and showing their work, we have the religious, the conspiracy theorists and the zealots that never show their work, instead they just **** everything up. My oh my, people are so desperate to make something out of themselves, that they don't realize that they are making a ******* mess out of this already perfect world. Here let me help you understand the true qualities of truth: It's not ambiguous. It brings laughter because of its ability to see contradiction and confusion with a clear lens. It does not bring hate. It does not pick and choose anything, as the truth leads back to the one and only Universe. Truth does not separate colors, creatures and countries. Truth comes to us, we do not come to it. Truth is like the sun; you do not stare directly at it. Truth "is" - nothing less; nothing more. Truth can hurt, but no more than the prick of a thorn. Truth not only leads us outwards, but inwards. Truth leads us to more of the truth. Truth does not settle, it's expands further. You will know if you found the truth, if you discovered self-humility, while still not kissing ass, as to say selflessness is commonly associated with self-humility. Truth not only breaks everything around us apart - it breaks ourselves apart. Truth loves us, so much that it tells us things that our greatest loved ones are too much of a coward to tell us. Truth is the brightest light in the darkest region of space. Truth is the evolution of becoming more than a void that feeds on fears, anger and insecurities.
X. I am angry because this is just a ******* foot note of all the things I have stored inside me day after day; always having to see things others do not, then they wonder why I react the way I do, while they are too busy reacting to trivial bullshit that amounts to nothing, hence why their actions and thoughts amount to absolutely nothing. I hate making things about myself, when truly, my pain is wrapped around every last one of my words - even then, I bite my tongue until it bleeds. Sometimes you just have to open the flood gates, so you don't lose the gates entirely, that way you let out some chaos, and still have something to keep the peace. Otherwise you lose your ******* mind, your gate and sometimes you lose your self. It's the mad men of this world that that have good qualities - maybe many of them let their anger consume them, but some of us, like myself, create great things out of our anger, like a ******* alphabet of reasons why we ******* cannot take this ******* world, but continue to do so out of sheer capacity of love and life ingrained into us.
Y. I am angry because while there are people trying to change this world, you have this other group that comes in many shapes and sizes that fucks everything up. They tell you how there's no reason to do all of this. There's no reason to change this world. Just let it be. Everything is here for a reason and the way it is because that's the way it is. Just enjoy life and do what you can with it. And if that means bringing down people who can change and blatantly telling us exactly why you make up this bullshit by getting mad when someone changes the world while you do absolutely nothing with yourself, after saying that we should do what we can with it, maybe it's about time to ******* realize that you are the scum at the bottom of this society that drags everything down because you can't ******* break away from your slime you sorry ****.
Z. I am angry because I wouldn't be surprised if I died at an early age from a heart attack, where as everyone else would be after everything I have said - everything I have explained - everything I have built inside and how I continue to live beyond the blind eyes. That I care more about my ideas than eating, *******, sleeping and enjoying myself. That I would sacrifice myself for these ideas at any time. That my ambition has grown beyond my body - that when I speak, my body shakes; my voice is booming; my legs rooted to the ground and my chest burning with the sheer passion of this wisdom and this creation I have had the privilege to experience after all the trials I have passed with flying colors because nothing - nothing in this world has stopped me once. I have been reduced to a crawl, yes, but when I crawled, I took the time to know the small life, then I when I stood again, I took that and I revealed how small this big world really was, that the closer you get to this Universe's secrets, the smaller the world gets - the greater everything you do feels. It's like a spiral whose ripples grow smaller as it draws itself towards the "infinite eye", as the eye of a tornado is "silent". When I speak, I truly show how great the ripples are and how loud I have become, but I also show that I truly have earned my wild and loud demeanor because I have also mastered the quiet and the humble aspects, like a great cinematic piece of music that continues to ebb in and out of quiet ambient sounds and into loudly prominent sounds. The people are silent, because they got sucked up by the void. Break away from the void, like life breaks away from every black hole. When nothing comes out of the black hole, it consumes itself. Galaxies are formed from black holes. Life is created from escaping silence, pull and struggle. Life is known when you master darkness, not fear darkness. Wise men are the weavers of all that ephemerally chain us to our own existential hell which we can see projected unto the real world if we just stop feeling sorry for ourselves and start facing ourselves.