of course there are women that can play good in male competition. but there are really not many of them. that's problem with "unisex sports" - it would be much more guys in it.
And I also said that I would allow girls and women to play in "male" teams in every sport where there is no adequate female competition.
But I really don't see point in letting best WNBA player playing for Spurs even if she is capable. Because then every guy that is good basketball player but not good enough for NBA can ask: well, why can't I be professional in WNBA then? And then you would have situation that you would have 99% of males in both leagues.
Of course, here is money issue as well if someone chooses sport as his or her career. And I think that in most sports top class men and top class women should be payed equally or at least close to it (because, fair or not, there are much more sponsors in male sports, so owners are capable to pay more). But, difference, if any, should not be big.
Btw, I said "most sports" because I am not so sure about tennis (they had some debates recently about it). Simply, it's not same effort. Guys play basketball, girls play basketball - same thing. Guy runs marathon, girl runs marathon - doesn't matter that he is quicker, they both ran 42 kilometers.
But in tennis, well...Andy Roddick plays seven games of at least 3 HOURS each to win seven games in BEST OF FIVE sets and to win US Open, Serena Williams plays 40 MINUTES to win in BEST OF THREE sets.
And, no, you haven't sounded like a b****