I recall the ancient wisdom:
"But now ask the beasts and let them teach you,
and the birds of the air and let them tell you,
or speak to the earth and let it teach you,
and let the fish of the sea recount to you,
which among these does not know that the hand of the Lord has done this,
in Whose hand is the life of every living thing, and the breath of all human beings."
Job 12:7-10
I watch my doggies at play and at sleep and know that such fine and hairy fellow creatures live in the moment, and their devotion, loyalty, trust, and honesty is perhaps the closest thing to what we humans consider as "living right" in the spiritual sense.
And we all know what DOG spells backwards! WOOF, WOOF (in ¾ time)
and best of all, they especially like my cat jokes.