The book argues against the notion that an improper(?) upbringing is responsible for an improper(?) set of values as an adult.
But no one seems to notice (or admit publicly) that an improper (for lack of a better word) mentality in the child may have a bit to do the child being the recipient of an improper upbringing.
I realize that labeling a child for having a mentality that is subnormal in some respect could be the start down a long and slippery slope and I certainly would not wish to go there. Eugenics,and other philosophical views as to the worth of an individual are where that line of thought would probably end up
In some cases however, aided and abetted by incompetent guardians, I think that may well be what happens. In no case would I automatically ascribe "wild children" to that cause. The operative word is "automatically".
Thank you for a lovely digression, Now to the thread
Since "Ockams Razor" is used in many human fields of endeavor, albiet under different names I tend to regard it as a "revealed truth"
To a Mechanical Engineer or designer the "Razor" is known as KISS (Keep It Simple, Stupid)
To a theoretical physicist it is known as a "unification theory".
To an astronomer it is known as "Relativity Theory".
To an astrophysicist it is known as "elegance"
To a theist it is known as God.
To a student of evolution (and economists) it is known as "niche theory".
To a gambler it is "Probability Theory".
And to me it provides an excuse for a certain amount of "laziness"
Or to paraphrase, The least complicated method of achieving a desired
result like making a living, making a society, or making a universe is the one most likely to be successful. It also is the one that most probably will occur first.
Evolutionally speaking, any method of hunting that is more energy intensive than required will result in your species being replaced (supplanted) eventually.
Economically speaking, any company which requires more inputs than a similar company will be replaced.
Socially speaking, any society any society which has a two percent survival advantage over another will supplant the other in a thousand years. I am thinking primarily of Neanderthals vs a precursor of Homo sapiens). Naturally I think that it may be appropriate for other human endeavors also
Sorry if I pontificate but I'm to lazy to go up and go to bed
. Consequently I may learn something
Best, M