Sun 23 May, 2004 10:32 pm
I'm not sure how to post(I'm never been in a forum before) so I'll just put the question up.
Surely all people
Deserving of fire
Must have visisted
the place
All and Nothing
Can be found
There are three different answers that I know of.
If you are doing a series of riddles, from a certain site, then the answer you need is self referential and quite stupid.
If you have found it as a stand alone riddle then the answer could be hell, or it could be a dictionary.
I am talking about the riddle from is not a hyperlink). It is in a set of questions. So what do you mean by self-referential? because I've already tried the name of the website, what else could it mean?
"All" and "Nothing" were both answers to riddles in a certain part of the site. Which part?
"People deserving of fire" means you.
Actually, I think the "all" answer is no longer on the site. Look at the page to which you gave the answer "nothing."