Yes there was a harassment, I never could spell that, suit with a woman kicker from Colorado. I think there are more female kickers, but not sure. (I am google reluctant right now.)
Guess it is time for me to read the sports pages again. I have fallen off since I moved to this small town.. the newspaper of which I can't tolerate.
Maximum age for co-ed youth teams?
It depends on the sport and the community.
While I don't think anyone should be discriminated because of their gender, the puberty line (12-13) seems appropiate in contact sports.
Then, of course, is the very competitive girl who may actually need to compete with boys... in order to be among the top females in her discipline.
@cicerone imposter,
I think we are forgetting one thing here. Women have to learn that with options and rights comes responsibility. if you are capable enough to play physical sports with men then you can register for selective service. It is a double standard for a women to be that capable and demand equality from men and then play the "helpless female " card when it is time to take on her share of the responsibility.
We have had no militiary conscription in this century.
I, for one, do not want chicks being dragged into combat
against their wishes. That 's
pervertedly unnatural.
Actually every game requires hard work and stamina and its lack in most of the girls not all but maximum so they should play the game with their same gender.