blatham wrote:oralloy wrote:First, on the political power level, you don't get to pass any federal gun legislation without people like me first agreeing to let you do it.
Nah. If that were the case, there wouldn't be such variation in gun control legislation state to state. Like California, New York, Penn, etc etc
Notice I said
federal gun legislation. I do not claim power over state legislatures.
It is our desire, however, that the Supreme Court begin imposing the Constitution on wayward states and overturning many of their gun laws.
This will likely happen after 2016, when several justices on the left retire and a Republican president picks their replacements. It is ironic that Mr. Obama's gun control overreach is what ultimately put total victory within our grasp.
blatham wrote:oralloy wrote:Second, on the scholarship level, the fact that I am completely correct in every respect makes my views pretty central to any discussion of what the Constitution actually means.
Nah. How the federal constitution is read or interpreted via the SC is determined by the makeup of that body, past and present and future.
They are the people who have the power to enforce the Constitution. That they have such power does not mean that I am incorrect about the meaning of the Constitution.
blatham wrote:If the document was as complete and unambiguous as you suggest then all SC justices would concur at all times and that's not even true as regards Scalia and Thomas or Roberts and Alito.
Unfortunately that is incorrect. Many judges and justices either do not understand what the Constitution says, or do not care what the Constitution says.
blatham wrote:Farmerman is right.
No he isn't. He is impugning the mind of someone who is a thousand times smarter than he is, and is doing so out of spite because he is frustrated at being unable to violate people's civil rights.
blatham wrote:You have a zest or a need for the simple. Indeed, the simplest. It's not healthy though it might feel nice.
Not really. However I do refuse to overcomplicate things that are simple to begin with.
blatham wrote:But I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and presume you are simply trolling.
No. I don't troll. If I am ever wrong about something, I posted it in good faith and made an honest mistake.
But it is highly unlikely that I am wrong about anything relating to this subject. If you really want to give me the benefit of the doubt, stop and consider the possibility that everything I am saying is actually 100% correct.