Sun 23 May, 2004 02:48 pm
This here's a strange question, but...
I'm writing a story at the moment, and one of my lead male characters reminds me a lot of actor Tim Roth. I always envision him whenever I see my character in my mind's eye. But I haven't thought of a name for this character yet. My question is: besides "Tim," what other first names "fit" Tim Roth in your opinion?
How about David, Christian, or Eric?
He is a very interesting and powerful actor, as witness his contribution to "Rob Roy."
Being a fan of Pulp Fiction, I think of him as Ringo. Perhaps a more reasonable suggestion would be Freddy, the name of his character (Mr. Orange) in Reservoir Dogs.
Can you give some basic characteristics of your Tim character?
Hmm..let's see:
He's sadistic, but in a low key kind of way, examines people a lot (will stare for prolonged periods of time watching their movements and gestures, what they say), has some sociopathic tendencies, is calm and collected (except for when he seriously get's pissed off), well spoken and well versed in most subjects because he has learned in the past that this gets him places, patient, and of course selfish. He is amused by traits like his showing up in the seemingly innocent.
There's more to him than this, of course, but this is just a summary.
jora, I have a name suggestion. It has to do with Tim.
A few years ago, I was in London with my wife and daughter. They went to see some musical and I went to see a play, Kafka's "Metamorphoses" with Tim Roth as the lead. He played a man who turns into a cockroach. Roth (and the director) decided to play -- by holding him off the ground with ten fingers and the toe tips of his shoes. Picture it!!! His full weight held by his toes and fingers. And he hopped sideways (on his fingers and toes) as he metamorphosed. Needless to say, I've been a fan of his from that terrific performance.
The characters name is Gregor Sansom (not sure about last name) I propose as a conceit, you name your character "Gregor."
Hmm, Gregor, I like that name. It seems to fit. I'll definitely consider it. Thanks for the suggestion, billy falcon!