Thu 2 Jan, 2003 10:58 am
OK wordsmyths, here's the 17th instalment, WITH LIMITED CLUES:
I'm looking for a 9-letter English word (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9) which matches the following
The letters 9, 7, 5, 2 & 1 (in that order) spell a type of BAG.
The letters 4, 6, 3 & 8 (in that order) spell a COLOUR.
The correct word (and ALL sub-clue words) are found in Webster's Dictionary - 10th Edition.
Happy sleuthing
Colours: pink, blue, teal, aqua, gray, tint
bag: purse, pouch, clutch, bulge, udder, rosin
colour: ecru, cyan, plum
bag: money, paper, pipes (bag pipes?)
Colour - gold, navy, plum, puce
more colours: grey, tone, lime, lake, mint
OH, Biblio. The colours are all there. Mac, was on the right track in the first place. (I got it. (ouch)

Yep, but only as it relates to what you might say as the result of the nine-letter word. (Nothing to do with the letters in the words )But I'm turning
Raggedy: my suggestion for other colours was a bit of a RED herring. :wink:
I want to improve and extend this topic a little bit by way of doing some "new topic pruning."
Instead of creating a new 9-letter word game topic each time, starting with Challenge #18, I'll create a new thread entitled, "The Continuous 9-Letter Word Challenge." Challenges 19, 20, 21 etc will all be contained within this new topic.
The Trivia Forum is getting a bit clogged-up now with all of the previous 9-Letter challenges, so I trust you'll agree with my thinking on this one.
The same RULES will apply as before.
Oh, thanks again for the clues!!!
I got it.... I had to work backwards into the bag clue.... that word hadn't shown up on any of my lists.....
Sounds like a great idea, Biblio. That way all the puzzles will be together.
P&L: That word was in my crossword dictionary and the only reason I got the answer so quickly was because I reasoned that Biblio would pick the
word that would be the most obscure.
Hi Raggedyaggie.....
UhOh.... Bib's methodology is becoming apparent!!!
My crossword puzzle dictionaries are at home..... I need to start packing them into my tote bag, so I have them here at the office!!!
I tried to find a crossword puzzle dictionary on-line, but couldn't find one with as many answers as my actual dictionaries.....
I haven't found a Crossword Dictionary on line that lists words for a given subject. My dictionary is 8 years old, but I haven't seen any newer ones in the book store. I work the new York Times Puzzles and with the internet, I haven't needed my Crossword Dictionary until now. Biblio's giving it a good workout.
Biblio wants an answer, but I thought Mac would like to have some more time to solve this one.
I got it. (See bottom of page 1!)