Hi Raggedyaggie.... 'the bottom of page 1' would depend upon how you have your website viewing set up, here at A2K..... if you have changed your viewing to '50 posts per page', or '100 posts per page', then 'the bottom of page 1' would be different.
I hope that made sense!!
I have 10 posts per page and 50 topics per page. And I can't find a post from 12:42, Thursday, or any of your posts that have the answer. So this is absolutely your last chance, Mac. If you don't post the answer here right now, either Peace & Love or I will. So there! (Stamping foot and pouting).

No. You had your chance.
. PINPRICKS That's what you get for teasing us.
colour - pink
bag - scrip
As to the next puzzle, Peace and Love got it. I'm absolutely clueless.
The best way to refer to a particular post is to link directky to that post. Since each user can have different pagination settings or time zones the time and page are often not helpful.
To link directly to a post right click on the little message icon next to the date of the post and "copy shortcut". The URL you coplied is the URL to that specific post. You can then paste it in your message like this:
Any chance of resurrecting this game?
Would someone like to make up the next word?
I'll try
Nine letter word
3576 used to make rope
19824 how to make rope
3576 could be CORD or WIRE
which gives: _ _ C _ O D R _ _ or _ _ W _ I E R _ _
Possible words could be: ??? NONE!
Therefore, try other 4-letter words for 3576.
Bibliophile the BibleGuru wrote:3576 could be CORD or WIRE
which gives: _ _ C _ O D R _ _ or _ _ W _ I E R _ _
Possible words could be: ??? NONE!
Therefore, try other 4-letter words for 3576.
Slightly on the wrong LINE its a bit more KNOTTY, cord could be made of nylon, wire could be made of steel. So its a basic material that is used in certain ropes.
3576 could be JUTE, HEMP or FLAX
which gives _ _ J _ U E T _ _, or _ _ H _ E P M _ _, or _ _ F _ L X A _ _
Possible words could be: ??? NONE!
3576 could be COIR
which gives _ _ C _ ORI _
Possible words could be:
anchoring, anchorite, auctorial, doctoring, factorial, factories, factoring, factorize, hectoring, hickories, pictorial, rectorial, rectories, sectorial, sectoring, succories, succoring, suctorial, suctorian, vectorial, vectoring, victorias, and victories.
Final clue was: "19824 how to make rope"
19824 could be:
Which means the only viable option is PLAIT thus defining our 9-letter word as PICTORIAL.
3576 = COIR (material that rope is made from)
19824 = PLAIT (how rope is made)
123456789 = PICTORIAL.
Rod3: Try this one...
9415 = a projectile
67283 = an uttered sound
Seem to be struggling.
For the projectile I've tried dart, ball, bola, shot, rock, slug. bolt ICBM all to no avail. Rock did fit in with CROOKEDER which left me with edreo which could be uttered. In fact every time I find a new projectile or utterance that doesn't fit I mutter edreo. If anyone else wants to try please feel free.
I tried bomb and lead for projectile with no luck...
Rod3 wrote:Seem to be struggling.
For the projectile I've tried dart, ball, bola, shot, rock, slug, bolt, ICBM all to no avail...
CLUE: it's in amongst that lot somewhere.

Try again
Still struggling, anyone want to buy a Wordmaster?