Are you playing a game, doing a diatribe, or merely expostulating slightly? Btw have you seen my email about Armenia?
Neither; I am no expostulator, Clary! What would suggest otherwise?
(I'll check that right now; by the way, is your MSN working? Mine is not; it's so annoying?)
Um, this is not my "two sentence" thread. This is the "what's next?" game.
I think it was all my fault because when drom wrote whispers, I could only think of
'whisper who dares?' from Now We Are Six. But I put in the next line to explain the context and then we all went haywire.
So how about starting again from
Whisper who dares?
Ah, we had a fun ten posts, and that-- despite the rules-- is what truly matters; I guess.
Dares of a fool
Prejudice and Discrimination
Discrimination on the basis of Race
time ladies and gentlemen please
Arrows through one's heart
heart 's, clubs, diamonds spades