Thu 21 Aug, 2014 01:30 pm
1 : how do we untangle the tangle of tangles : 1
2 ; gordian knot.
room109 wrote:
1 : how do we untangle the tangle of tangles : 1
2 ; gordian knot.
Sever it with a sword like the knight did.
Wasn't it cut by Alexander the Great, according to the story?
You can always slice it with the sword of Damocles...
Wouldn't it be Great?
in this case the knot feels pain, and i do not wish to harm it.
So, you need to follow Aristobulus solution..
Pythagoreanism more than platoism
Aristobulus of Cassandreia
Aristobulus of Cassandreia, do you have more info on him?