Thu 2 Jan, 2003 08:23 am
Einstein's special theory of relativity is a fundamental science that is infinitely more reasonable than evolution yet many people reject relativity because it has so many bizarre consequences.
If you've ever struggled to make sense of relativity but couldn't get past the physical mysticism used to explain it, then here's a great link that you should study:
I assume that you've mastered high school mathematics.
Hi, Eshubert, and welcome. Perhaps the problem you perceive arises from a perception on your part that Relativity admits to a mathematic proof, Evolution does not. Personally, I happen to think "Weight of Numbers" handily validates both theories.
I guess I must be missing something here. I not only can't figure out where this discussion is going, I'm not sure I understand what it is supposed to be about. I infer there may be a theistic argument in here somewhere, but it just won't stand still long enough for me to get ahold of it. I'd love to play, but somebody has to bring me up to speed on the finer points of this particular game.
the relative missunderstanding of evolution
Both "reletivity" and "evolution" are firmly ensconsed in the annals of science, with validations and evidence beyond one's wildest dreams. However, of the two, I would say, inspite of the fact that relativity requires a firm understanding of basic mathematics and physics, evolution based more upon general knowledge, and logic, seems to be far less properly understood; or, at least, is more frequently the object of criticisms which have nothing at all to do with the theory.
I think Steven Hawkings ideas about our universe is more a Special Theory than Einsteins' relativity. c.i.
Hi, BoGoWo, and welcome to A2k. Your point is well taken; "Energy Equals Mass Times The Square of the Velocity of Light" is difficult to argue with, and forms the basis for all subsequent physics (even Hawking's, c.i.). Evolution is a trickier concept to grasp for some, but relies as well on mathematic proof ... thousands upon thousands upon untold thousands of consistently corroborative observations form a statistical probability of overwhelming conviction.
Of course, once some folks' minds are made up, there's no point trying to distract them with facts.
I fully agree; many who don't understand the information available, or are not sufficiently motivated to research a concept, flagrantly invent "facts" to suit their needs.
But also facts that have not been well "aired" frequently, quickly turn into "baggage"!