@Ding an Sich,
My apologies DaS, I'm new to this online forum stuff! I completely agree with you - it almost defeats the point of discussion if we don't know exactly what we're discussing, I'll work on being more explicit in future posts.
Regarding your idea that philosophy is an inevitable part of man, by 'must' do you mean that philosophising is almost like a moral obligation (seems interesting!)? Or (there may be more than these two ways of interpreting this) that philosophy is inescapable, so we must philosophise because it is inevitable. Even a person who many may described as amoral because of a lack of compassion for others, for example, will have their own justification of their actions, e.g, as an egoist. And this must apply to more than just morality, surely (apologies again - our philosophy lessons at school are really ethics-based!)?
Phil (www.philosophersblogofideas.blog.com)