Wed 16 Jul, 2014 04:50 pm
Okay, so my dad said I could get a Leo Gecko if I got good grades, saved money, and helped around the house. I did reaserch and decided, that I didn't really want one anymore because it would cost so much, and I want a pet I can hold and spend time with a lot. So I looked into a Bearded Dragon since you can handle them more and they don't get stressed easily. Well they get bigger than I thought...
So I looked into it, and decided I would like a Rat! I thought my dad would be fine with it. I talked to my Step-Mom, then one night after I went to bed, she TELLS HIM! Why the hec WOULD SOMEONE DO THAT!!!! I was going to talk to him about it myself, and maybe if I had, and explained that Rats aren't what you think, he would of let me! AHHH! MOOOOOM! WHAT THE HEEEEEECC!
Ok uhg- so now, I need a new pet choice. My StepMom will NOT let me get a bird, I already tried a snake. My dad WON'T let me get my own cat. And we already have a dog. I don't want a turtle. Or a hamster or gerbil. Definatly not fish(so boring).And I can't get a ferret. Is Guinea Pig the only pet l have left!? I don't really want that either...
For gosh sake, don't get any kind of pet you don't even want.
What about a pet rock. I can't see how anyone would object to that. And it looks like you are running out of other options.
A cat is your best bet, talk your mum into it by telling her it'll keep your house free of mice and spiders because cats are natures pest controllers..
Yeah, we don't want this thread to go tits up like the other one.
Incidentally I thought about getting a rat once but after reading up about them on the net I dropped the idea because if you let them have the run of your house they'll eventually gnaw through your electric wiring, and I didn't want to keep one cooped up in a cage all the time.
PS- I once kept gerbils and they chewed my wiring too, i suppose it's a rodent habit, they've all got teeth like samurai swords
What's wrong with the dog you've already got?
Oh god Im sorry guys!
My Step Mom was wrong, my dad doesn't care if I get a rat! Thank you anyway
You'll HAVE to call it a2e.
Everyone loves rat-a2e.