MyOwnUsername wrote:oh my favourite Serb is back

Hello s(erbian)wolf, how are you? Still sad that serbian scum is all over Hague and your fellow compatriots are trying to become normal country while those alike you are buried deep in past? Are you disappointed honey? Do you feel rejected? Will you ever be able to forgive Serbs that they are becoming normal country?
So, now you are leading Holy War against Islam after your buddies ended up in Hague and in historical graveyards with their fellow Hitler, and YES, my dear friend, with their fellow Pavelic (edit: for others: Pavelic = notorius leader of croatian Nazis during WW2)?
Look, I have some other news for you - as always, unlike using cheap propaganda, I'll rather talk about what your kind was in 90's, by using Serb sources, glad that Serbia is becoming normal country again. For others - B92 is serbian radio station, SRNA is Bosnian Serb news agency
I'll say it again, I am not Serbian, slavic, nor a member of the orthodox church (yet), although that could change. If I were to join the Orthodox church it would be the Russian branch of it so I could at least understand the sermons (to ect, govoriu davolno xhorosho po russki, a ni odnovo slova po srbski...)
Notice that unlike somebody such as yourself who grew up with slavic languages I use articles both in speaking and writing other western languages, i.e. I would write "the cat caught the mouse" rather than simply "cat caught mouse" as you would or "koshka poimal muishku" as you would in Russian.
The Orthodox church and the Mormons in Utah are the only large groups of people I ever saw trying to stand up to to the Clinton regime and face it down and that deserves a lot of respect in both cases, nonetheless Mormon theology is a bit too much like science fiction for my tastes.
When the s#!+ hit the fan in the balkans in the early and mid 90s I was not able to come up with any real information; nonetheless the entire idea of the US getting involved in such a business struck me as harebrained at best and nefarious at worst. I mean, if nothing else, Serbia is a slavic orthodox nation just like Russia and even if you assumed that Serbs were the villians of the world as you proclaim, it did not seem to be worth it.
When Kosovo came along, the world had entered the internet age and I made it my business to find out what I could about the situation and what I found out was horrific.
Basically what I discovered, from any number of Russian and European sources available on the web and from usenet traffic, was that pretty much everything the west has seen, heard, and read about the balkans over the last dozen years is unadulterated BS produced by the out-of-control spin machines of NATO and the Clinton regime; that the Serbs are the closest thing there is to normal, decent middle class people in the Balkans, that of the 25 - 30 ethnic groups in the former Yugoslav confederation only about three of those groups had ever had any real problem dealing with Serbs, and that those three groups, Bosnians, Albanians, and Croatians, were basically a bunch of barbarians.
What I discovered about the Serbs was that they had been the one real ally the west ever had in the Balkans during WW-II, that they had declared war on Hitler and held him for six months sending him into Russia in the dead of winter rather than on schedule but for which we could all be living under naziism today, while all other Balkan countries joined the axis. Serbs saved about 500 allied airmen bailing out after raids over Ploesti; any allied airman who ever bailed over Bosnia or Croatia got his throat cut.
Moreover, I learned that the Croats had operated a death camp so much worse than anything the German nazis had, that German nazis complained of having bad dreams for weeks after tours of the place. Hundreds of thousands of people were killed in this place and, apparently, all were being killed with knives and crude instruments.
Basically, I learned that most if not all of the charges being made against Serbs were being fabricated, including cases such as that of Trnopolja which even Joseph Goebbels would be ashamed to have been involved in:
The "Racak massacre" which Clinton and Albright used as a pretext for
the NATO action turns out to be more propaganda BS:
and the Rambouillet ultimatum, particularly Appendix B, section 8,
which the Serbs refused to sign, turns out to look like something
which King George might have written. No nation on Earth would ever
sign off on such a thing:
It turns out that the entire case against Serbia was never anything
but a bunch of BS. There was never any "ethnic cleansing"
going on:
and there was never anything remotely like genocide going on:
nothing but a bunch of fabricated BS and a bunch of poor sorry
people (Serbs) having to defend themselves against an armed
insurrection supported and supplied by outside powers.
Like I say, the ONLY interest I have in any of this is a dislike for seeing my fellow Americans being played for suckers by people like yourself.