msolga wrote:But, Eva, you are perfect in every way!

That curly long hair, blowing gently in the breeze, your elegant hands, your long legs & delicate feet balanced perfectly on that big shell ..... Ya gotta admit, David DOES look kinda, er, stumpy in comparision! Even if he was meant to be seen from below!
Why thank you, msolga! I'm rather linear (2D), while David (bless his big muscles) is decidedly 3D.
Did you know David was originally a political statement? Fascinating story. (See if I can remember this...correct me if I am wrong.) After many years of autocratic rule, the Medicis were finally out of power, and Florence became a free republic. But the Medicis were still hanging around outside the city. The statue was placed in the town's main square, just outside the door of the Palazzo Vecchio (former home of the Medicis and now their town hall.) The meaning was very clear to the populace. David was the idealistic young Republic, and the Medicis were Goliath. David is staring at the Medicis, daring them to reenter their home, ready for a fight. The republic didn't last long, however, and when the Medicis returned to power, Michelangelo wisely (and hastily) left Florence for Rome.