have you ever wondered about completely wierd/stupid things, and wonder if you are the first person who ever wondered it? I know, some people have too much time on their hands.

Never know, some of them might actually have answers!! Here are a couple to start out with, I'm sure I'll remember a few more later on.
In a factory job, it is mandatorythat everyone wears earplugs to protect your hearing. But what if you are totally deaf? Would you still have to wear them? It would be kind of stupid, but if you didn't, would that be showing prejudiced against those that aren't deaf?
I wonder about the two words hemherroid and asteroid.
Hem is latin or something for like.. space (hemisphere etc..)
so if I hemherroid is in your as* why isn't that called an asteroid,
and wouldn't a hemhorroid be more appropriate in space?
(This one probably does have a real answer) When cars and fuel first came about... There weren't gas stations at ever corner like today... so I wonder how far people drove to get to the gas station when they first popped up.