Hmm...if Carvel made a Jimmy Hoffa cake, what would you find in it?
Not Jimmy Hoffa, but perhaps a small piece of concrete with an impression of human skin on one surface.
My weird thought: God did not banish Adam and Eve from Eden for disobedience. He banished them because neither would take responsibility for their action.
sosorene, glad to help.
Sometimes, while standing in the shower I'll watch the water go down the drain and think about what happens to it once it leaves my view. I'm not talking about the earthly cycle of water, I know all that, I'm talking about pipes exiting the property on which I live, the city grey water pipes and treatment plant. I wonder at the condition of those pipes, what the clogs are made of, what do they look like - usually I can't make it past that point (ew).
And I wonder: will Littlek come out tomorrow night?;-)
I've often wondered about the human body ... I mean, the naked female form seems so beautifully designed, well proportioned, with clean, smooth lines. But (no offense meant, fellas!) whoever designed the male body appeared to be rushing to meet a deadline, lost interest or was humorously entertaining themselves, or something .... These extra dangly bits, which appear to have been tacked on as an after-thought almost, with with little consideration of aesthetics & potential accidents! I think the designer should have taken a little more time & achieved a better outcome!
I've spent a lot of time gazing at bodies, all sorts of shapes & sizes, littlek, in life drawing classes. And I've often wondred ....
Hmm, I kinda like the guys' dangly bits the way they are.
Yeah, I'm not complaining. :wink:
But I was talking about aesthetics & convenience.
I think they're convenient too - stand-up peeing while wearing all your clothes? What's more convenient than that?
And they're convenient for, um, fitting together with female bits.
And maybe a bit of thought could have been given to shock absorbers in the original design?
littlek wrote:And they're convenient for, um, fitting together with female bits.
Yes, true.
I have other (purely aesthetic!) thoughts on design & function, but find it's just too difficult to word them in an acceptable way!
think you should try. I wonder about the asthetic side of the dangly bits. I like the way they look, but is that a learned appreciation or an innate one?
I think we have grown used to the dangly bits & feel a fondness for them because they're attached to people we care for. I was imagining going right back to the drawing board, to the original design, so to speak .... You have to admit that the act of copulating does have a rather amusing, comical aspect? :wink: How could THAT be made to appear more, er, aesthetically pleasing to the eye?
Sex is amusing and comical - sure, for lots of reasons. But, I think the biology, as it is, is a nice metaphor with the connectedness felt in sexual intimacy.
Yes, agreed, but then it's how we're used to doing things!