And yet, JL doesn't appreciate my poopie analyses regarding philosophy. One can look to a Jungian or Hindu, or Taoist, or Buudhist model of a 'collective consciousness' to explain our similarities as human beings, but let's face it, what we all share are the base day to day activities of living, including going to the bathroom. Ergo, in our hearts, we are non-dualistic, as we have the same needs once we get beyond our own pretensions.
Americans and Islamics are not getting along these days, if you didn't notice.
However, consider this: Americans love 'South Park' and 'Jackass'. There is an old Iranian curse that translates as "May a thousand camels fart on your beard." Look, it may sound silly, but it's on topic. We ALL share these things. Toilet humour may yet prove to be the one strategy that makes us recognize that we are all the same. Take it as a joke if you want, but that Iranian curse is absolutely true.
I suppose that makes me a non-dualist, and perhaps a Taoist as well. I don't feel a need to shy away from reality.