Fri 14 May, 2004 11:46 pm
Recently I had occasion to present this thesis to a group of college students who were involved in a "critical thinking" seminar. It had to be answered with a "yes" or "no" .
The thesis was "Survival is more important than doing the right thing."
The only exclusion in the consideration of the validity of this thesis was
family members or lover.
I would be interested in what our "Able2Know" philosophers would answer.
Ofcourse, after your "yes" or "no" . any relevant comments supporting your answer would be appreciated.
honestly, I think that this kind of question is completely pointless with given exclusions. If you have thesis "Survival is more important then doing the right thing" then they should debate about it without exclusions.
So, in a way question is put I would answer "no". There are NUMEROUS cases where I would choose survival instead of "doing right thing", but there are also many where I would choose doing "right thing" (although there is no universal definition for "right thing").
In my case I would never choose anything that would make me survive but would at same time kill another innocent human.
But I would do many things for survival that in normal conditions I don't consider right.
Banal e.g. : if I would find a suitcase with 100,000 dollars today I would go with it to police station this second, without thinking at all that I could take some money for me, although I am far far away from being financially secure. But I am not hungry or homeless.
But if I would, or if my child would be hungry and we have no money and then I find such suitcase I would also take half of this money without thinking for a second.
Survival is more important than doing the right thing.
Well, yes and no. They are basically one and the same, so we do not have to chose. It is merely a question of how often one is forced to take action to survive. I am devoted to doing what is right according to my moral standards, but only because my right to exist is almost never challenged. I face extremely little danger in my everyday. If this was different so would my moral standards be, and also my devotion. Survival is neccesary if you want to do the right thing, since human existence seems to depend on this kind of logic.
So yes, because by our actions we determine the course of evolution. We shape tomorrow as much as we can according to our will, and our ideas of what "right" is.
And no, because survival is the right thing. Whenever we engage ourselves in any action it is to give birth to new ideas, or to rescue the old and dying ones
It's a trick question. Survival IS "the right thing". Without survival, there's nothing else. Not even family members or lovers.
What is the point of demanding a "yes" or "no" answer when the choice obviously depends on circumstances?
Generally, survival takes precedence over arbitrary rules about right and wrong. But there are exceptions such as risking your life to save someone, dying for your country or beliefs, or committing justifiable suicide.
The things you list are not exceptions terry. It is merely something other than the self you are fighting to keep alive..