you seem to want to believe that skin cncers are a product of some industrial conspiracy and NOT, as common sense would dictate, the product of far better diagnostics and greater interest in our own abilities in preventive medicine.
I could have left all these skin cancers go and live with the basal cell and melanomas until they grew big enough to be concerned or until one metasticized and caused my death,
instead, we have really great specialty practices in med science (like dermatology) where great leaps at diagnostics and imaging have enabled us to catch and treat these skin cancers earlier .
As far as the incidence, the largest numbers of increases have occurred in the Northern latitudes (It seems that melanoma incidences in the southern latitudes has plateaued
and even declined in some areas like AUstralia, yet INCREASED by as much as 47% in places like the UK. HMMM, could tanning beds have anything to do with this?