I honestly belive is complete fringe science. And there are more facts that claim that the unverse in gravity powered. And that electrical currents inthe universe are a by product of the effects of metals at inmense gravity pressures on a fusion system. I went on reading al this things about electric cosmology so i can have a reasonable discussion with you.
So here is my first shot using the electic cosmology theory proving that even the solar plasmasproduce xray, uv rays and gamma rays
"We propose a model for stellar binary systems consisting of a magnetic and a non-magnetic white-dwarf pair which is powered principally by electrical energy. Sirius, the nearest and brightest star, has a partner, Sirius B, a tiny white-dwarf. The trouble is, when we look at Sirius B through Chandra, an X-ray telescope, it appears much brighter. How could this be?Astronomers try to explain this in terms of gravity, claiming that particles fall into Sirius B so fast that the collisions emit X-rays. But charged particles don't care about gravity, so the real answer is probably more simple. Nature abhors inefficiency, so she uses electric currents to produce X-rays, just as the medical profession does. This occurs as well with uv rays and gamma rays on other so called gravity models applied to stars in our universe"
Extracted from Electric Universe by David Talbot and Wallace Thornhil
So current electric cosmology defenders agree that our sun produces uv rays. They come from the only star in our neighborhood and are one of the proven sources of cancer.