I'm less so now, but even when Dlowan started this thread, when I had access to whatever book, was reluctant. (Not that I've looked back and seen what I said.) And before that, when I was an english major, I noticed my own repulsion to academic analysis of, say, Wordsworth, and then punted. My next major for a bit was psychology, and that didn't last either. I then wanted more structure, when, if you know me, I'm not your best exponent of structure.
Here's a case where Soz and I are on opposite ends of the teeter totter. She's very good at analysis.
It's hard to explain why I don't want to go into analysis talks. Maybe I like to savor my take for a while, perhaps before I change that, but I want to control my savor time.
Books are personal to me, to start with. I think I became me through books making sense of my own observations or turning them upside down.
I've some distaste for analysis over feelings. Mixed with distaste for feelings over analysis.