My street in Plymouth (New St below) is supposed to be one of England's most haunted streets with at least 6 ghosts in residence in various houses, but i've never seen or heard anything conclusive in the 10 years I've lived here even though my place is built on the site of an ancient sailor's tavern..
The street is at least 600 years old and yank tourists love it.
"Gee" they ask,"does this street pre-date the English Civil War?"
"Yes mate" I reply, "in fact it pre-dates America"..
It's very spooky when sea fog rolls in from the waterfront 50 yards away.
There are guided "Ghost Walks" up and down the street. Here's a group looking at the Elizabethan House across the road, there's supposed to be an old baby cradle in it that rocks on its own when nobody's touching it.