I'm not certain of this awsner but i believe a plant stomata is open when it's light outside. the stomata can produce glucose through fotosynthetic reaction. due this glucose in the stomata, the proces of Osmose will happen. The stomata will absorb fluid from the plants and grows. the stomata is open en can release O2. At night or when it's dark, there is no sunlight for the fotosynthetic reaction in the stomata so true osmose, the stomata will lose fluids and become very tight. With respiration i think they mean: during daytime a plant will produce oxigen (O2) but when it's night it will use oxigen from the air. now the production of 02 is larger then the use of 02. But for only 1 single plant the production of 02 is minimum, that's why large number of plants count. I Think this is something most ppl don't know, I hope this was an awnser
Sorry for the bad language (not english)