Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2014 10:15 pm
DAVID wrote:
He can just find a nice brothel; easier, no problems.
nononono wrote:
Some of your responses David...

When you respond with such simplistic statements to such a lengthy
and thoughtful post, it makes me feel like you're not much of a "Thinker"....
"Its a gift to be Single. Its a gift to be Free.
Its a gift to come down to where we ought to be,
and when we find ourselves in the place just right,
it will be in the valley of Love and Delight."
0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2014 10:16 pm
We think alike a lot, Lash!

0 Replies
Reply Thu 14 Aug, 2014 10:24 pm
fear is the biggest killer.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 04:29 am
Lash wrote:
But it was so appropriate. You can't stand women, but want their sex parts. He's right. Get ye to a brothel, young man.

I think you and nononono misunderstand each other.

Nononono is only arguing that men deserve the same equal rights that women do.

His request for equality has been greeted with the same derision and offensive treatment that early feminists were greeted with.

Just as this mistreatment resulted in feminists becoming angry and more militant in their quest for equality, it is causing nononono to become angry and more militant in his quest for equality.

This anger and militancy is not because he dislikes women however. He only wants equal rights for men.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 04:48 am
When women asked for equal rights--which they clearly did not have, and still do not have--men enjoyed a dominant position in society, and social "truths" were based on an assumption of feminine inferiority. When men agitate for "rights" today, they do so from what is still a superior position in terms of pay for the work they do, the prospects of advancement in employment, especially in career fields, and an assumption of competence based soley on gender. Women are still seen socially as inferior to men in terms of understanding (in the educational sense) and competence. People still voice objections to women in positions of responsibility because of allegations of hormonal influences, as though men didn't have hormonal cycles, which they clearly do.

Any claim of equivalence in these to appeals for rights is disingenuous at least, if not in fact dishonest. Either that, or it is the product of incredible social blindness and ignorance.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 04:58 am
When women asked for equal rights--which they clearly did not have, and still do not have

Name me ONE mutherfucking legal right that women in the western world do NOT have that men DO have.

Just one Setanta!

Just one.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:05 am

1. Women have the right to genital integrity

Regardless of how you personally feel about the practice of circumcision (I personally find it barbaric, cruel and completely unjustifiable), the legal fact is that infant girls are protected against any genital cutting of any kind and infant boys are not. Many feminists will argue that female genital mutilation (FGM) is a magnitude of brutality beyond male genital mutilation and while that may be true, I do not find the “it’s only a little bit brutal” argument to be very compelling. It’s like saying cutting off a toe is okay because cutting off a foot is much worse. Ultimately, the argument is immaterial to the fact that women have the legal right to be protected from having their body parts sliced off. Men do not.

2. Women have the right to vote without agreeing to die

In the US, citizens are free to exercise their constitutionally guaranteed right to democratically choose their own leaders through the process of casting a ballot in an election once they reach the age of 18. Women achieve this right by the simple act of surviving 18 years. Men may not actualize their basic rights as a citizen without first signing a Selective Service card, in which they agree that at the discretion of the democratically elected government, they will take up arms and die to defend their liberty and way of life. The draft. Men may vote if, and only if, they agree they will face death if required. Women have no such obligation, but they do get to vote for the governments that can potentially send men to meet death. Again, regardless of how you feel about the draft, women have the right to vote without agreeing to be drafted. Men don’t.

3. Women have the right to choose parenthood

I’ve written about this before, but it is worth repeating. Women have three options to absolve themselves of all legal, moral, financial and social responsibility for children they did not intend and do not want. Women may abort the child before it is born, they may surrender the child for adoption without notifying or identifying the father or they may surrender the infant under Safe Haven laws and walk away from all responsibility and obligation. Women cannot be forced or coerced into parenthood, but they are legally allowed to force men into financing their reproductive choices. In many states, men can be forced into financial responsibility for children whom they did not biologically father. As long as a particular man is identified as the father, he will be held accountable. Paternity fraud is legal. In no state is legal paternal surrender permitted without the express agreement of the mother.

Again, regardless of whether you agree or disagree with legal paternal surrender, the fact remains that women have the legal right to choose parenthood. Men do not.

4. Women have the right to be assumed caregivers for children

When parental relationships irretrievably break down, current custody laws assume one primary caregiver (almost always a woman) and one tertiary caregiver (almost always a man). In order to win equal or shared custody, the tertiary caregiver must litigate to prove they are worthy of equal parenting, a proposition that is not only very difficult to “prove”, it is also very expensive. The legal presumption of shared parenting upon divorce – that children have a legal right to an equal relationship with both their mother and their father following relationship breakdown – is strongly resisted by the National Organization for Women (NOW) and other feminist organizations who know that women will almost always win custody of children under the default laws. In actual fact, men who can afford to purse legal remedies and challenge primary custody stand a good chance of winning, because women do not have the market cornered on loving or caring for children. So while the law does not specifically indicate that custody will be awarded to women, the defacto result of primary/tertiary caregiver custody law is that women have a legal right to be assumed caregivers for children. Men do not.

5. Women have the right to call unwanted, coerced sex rape

The original FBI definition of rape specifically identified women as the victims, excluding the possibility of male rape victims. When the FBI updated that, it did so in way that includes a small minority of male rape victims but excluded most male rape victims by retaining the “penetration” clause. Penetration of any orifice must occur for rape to have happened. The FBI does collect another set of statistics though, under the category of “other sexual assault” – it’s the awkwardly named “made to penetrate” category, which includes men who were coerced, tricked or bullied into penetrative sex with women they would otherwise not have had sex with. The National Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Survey similarly considers the two types of assault separately, despite the fact that occurrences are virtually identical. 1.27M women report rape (p.18) and 1.26M men report “made to penetrate” (p.19). By collecting the information under separate categories, following the legal definitions, women have the right to have their rapes called “rape”. Men do not.
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:08 am
Equal pay.

In the United States, the gender pay gap is measured as the ratio of female to male median yearly earnings among full-time, year-round (FTYR) workers. The female-to-male earnings ratio was 0.77 in 2009, meaning that, in 2009, female FTYR workers earned 77% as much as male FTYR workers.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:12 am
Equal pay.

First of all, "equal pay" is NOT a legal right.

Second, what you're claiming is a COMPLETE FALLACY.

If women choose to work LESS hours or in LOWER PAYING job fields, that DOES NOT equal them being "discriminated" against!

No, Women Don’t Make Less Money Than Men

It’s the bogus statistic that won’t die—and president deployed it during the State of the Union—but women do not make 77 cents to every dollar a man earns.
President Obama repeated the spurious gender wage gap statistic in his State of the Union address. “Today,” he said, “women make up about half our workforce. But they still make 77 cents for every dollar a man earns. That is wrong, and in 2014, it’s an embarrassment.”

What is wrong and embarrassing is the President of the United States reciting a massively discredited factoid. The 23-cent gender pay gap is simply the difference between the average earnings of all men and women working full-time. It does not account for differences in occupations, positions, education, job tenure, or hours worked per week. When all these relevant factors are taken into consideration, the wage gap narrows to about five cents. And no one knows if the five cents is a result of discrimination or some other subtle, hard-to-measure difference between male and female workers. In its fact-checking column on the State of the Union, the Washington Post included the president’s mention of the wage gap in its list of dubious claims. “There is clearly a wage gap, but differences in the life choices of men and women… make it difficult to make simple comparisons.”

Consider, for example, how men and women differ in their college majors. Here is a list (PDF) of the ten most remunerative majors compiled by the Georgetown University Center on Education and the Workforce. Men overwhelmingly outnumber women in all but one of them:

1. Petroleum Engineering: 87% male
2. Pharmacy Pharmaceutical Sciences and Administration: 48% male
3. Mathematics and Computer Science: 67% male
4. Aerospace Engineering: 88% male
5. Chemical Engineering: 72% male
6. Electrical Engineering: 89% male
7. Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering: 97% male
8. Mechanical Engineering: 90% male
9. Metallurgical Engineering: 83% male
10. Mining and Mineral Engineering: 90% male

And here are the 10 least remunerative majors—where women prevail in nine out of ten:

1. Counseling Psychology: 74% female
2. Early Childhood Education: 97% female
3. Theology and Religious Vocations: 34% female
4. Human Services and Community Organization: 81% female
5. Social Work: 88% female
6. Drama and Theater Arts: 60% female
7. Studio Arts: 66% female
8. Communication Disorders Sciences and Services: 94% female
9. Visual and Performing Arts: 77% female
10. Health and Medical Preparatory Programs: 55% female

Much of the wage gap can be explained away by simply taking account of college majors. Early childhood educators and social workers can expect to earn around $36,000 and $39,000, respectively. By contrast, petroleum engineering and metallurgy degrees promise median earnings of $120,000 and $80,000. Not many aspiring early childhood educators would change course once they learn they can earn more in metallurgy or mining. The sexes, taken as a group, are somewhat different. Women, far more than men, appear to be drawn to jobs in the caring professions; and men are more likely to turn up in people-free zones. In the pursuit of happiness, men and women appear to take different paths.

But here is the mystery. These and other differences in employment preferences and work-family choices have been widely studied in recent years and are now documented in a mountain of solid empirical research. By now the President and his staff must be aware that the wage gap statistic has been demolished. This is not the first time the Washington Post has alerted the White House to the error. Why continue to use it? One possibility is that they have been taken in by the apologetics of groups like the National Organization for Women and the American Association of University Women. In its 2007 Behind the Pay Gap report, the AAUW admits that most of the gap in earnings is explained by choices. But this admission is qualified: “Women’s personal choices are similarly fraught with inequities,” says the AAUW. It speaks of women being “pigeonholed” into “pink-collar” jobs in health and education. According to NOW, powerful sexist stereotypes “steer” women and men “toward different education, training, and career paths.”

“Much of the wage gap can be explained away by simply taking account of college majors. In the pursuit of happiness, men and women appear to take different paths.”
Have these groups noticed that American women are now among the most educated, autonomous, opportunity-rich women in history? Why not respect their choices? For the past few decades, untold millions of state and federal dollars have been devoted to recruiting young women into engineering and computer technology. It hasn’t worked. The percent of degrees awarded to women in fields like computer science and engineering has either stagnated or significantly decreased since 2000. (According to Department of Education data, in 2000, women earned 19 percent of engineering BA’s, and 28 percent in computer science; by 2011, only 17 percent of engineering degrees were awarded to females, and the percent of female computer science degrees had dropped to 18.) All evidence suggests that though young women have the talent for engineering and computer science, their interest tends to lie elsewhere. To say that these women remain helplessly in thrall to sexist stereotypes, and manipulated into life choices by forces beyond their control, is divorced from reality—and demeaning to boot. If a woman wants to be a teacher rather than a miner, or a veterinarian rather than a petroleum engineer, more power to her.

The White House should stop using women’s choices to construct a false claim about social inequality that is poisoning our gender debates. And if the President is truly persuaded that statistical pay disparities indicate invidious discrimination, then he should address the wage gap in his own backyard. Female staff at the White House earn 88 cents on the dollar compared to men. Is there a White House war on women?
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:15 am
No it's not and no amount of poor me bleating and reference to sexist websites will alter that.

What I find most offensive is that you claim to represent men. You don't, you represent a pathetic bunch of social misfits who blame all their inadequacies on feminism.

Real men don't have a problem with feminism. You need to man up, you're a ******* embarrassment.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:20 am
No it's not and no amount of poor me bleating and reference to sexist websites will alter that.

The Daily Beast is sexist???


**** you Izzy! Laughing

The FACT is that the 5 legal rights I posted above are enjoyed ONLY by women!

That is FACT. As in undisputable! Men DO NOT have these same legal rights!

The challenge remains. Name me JUST ONE legal right that men in western society have that women do not have...

Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:23 am
The challenge does not remain. Women get paid less than men, and you refuse to see that because you're a sad pathetic loser. Go back to licking Hawkeye's arse, it's all you're good for.

The grown ups are having a conversation.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:27 am
Women get paid less than men

Explain to me using LOGIC how choosing to work less hours in lower paying jobs/positions equals "discrimination".

Oh, that's right! You don't operate within the realm of logic and reason.

Forgot that!

Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:33 am
That horseshit about working fewer hours is just that--horseshit. Izzy has already linked the relevant data.

Once again, from the Wikipedia article that Izzy used:

In 2010 the median income of FTYR workers was $42,800 for men, compared to $34,700 for women. The female-to-male earnings ratio was 0.81, slightly higher than the 2008 ratio. The female-to-male earnings ratio of 0.81 means that, in 2009, female FTYR workers earned 19% less than male FTYR workers. The statistic does not take into account differences in experience, skill, occupation, education or hours worked, as long as it qualifies as full-time work. However, in 2010, an economist testified to the U.S. Congress Joint Economic Committee that studies "always find that some portion of the wage gap is unexplained" even after controlling for measurable factors that are assumed to influence earnings. The unexplained portion of the wage gap is attributed by some to gender discrimination. (emphasis added)

FTYR means full-time, year-round. Get a brain.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:34 am
But let's just say you're "right" in your bullshit, illogical, mentally ill dreamworld...

There would still be 5 legal rights men don't have compared to the "legal right" you're claiming that women don't have.

1. Women have the right to genital integrity
2. Women have the right to vote without agreeing to die
3. Women have the right to choose parenthood
4. Women have the right to be assumed caregivers for children
5. Women have the right to call unwanted, coerced sex rape

That's still a score of 1 to 5!!!
NSFW (view)
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:39 am
0 Replies
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:40 am
Ah yes, the subtle wit and profound insights of your arguments set you apart.

I guess if nononobrain were working at a job and discovered that another man there was making 25% more than him, although his qualifications were identical, he wouldn't complain because equal pay for equal work is not a right.
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:43 am
I guess if nononobrain were working at a job and discovered that another man there was making 25% more than him, although his qualifications were identical, he wouldn't complain because equal pay for equal work is not a right.





Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
Reply Fri 15 Aug, 2014 05:46 am
...said NO employer ever!

Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing Laughing
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