Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 01:54 am
Intelligence Report, Spring 2012, Issue Number: 145
Men’s Rights Movement Spreads False Claims about Women

By Mark Potok and Evelyn Schlatter

Misogynists in the men’s and fathers’ rights movements have developed a set of claims about women to support their depictions of them as violent liars and manipulators of men. Some suggest that women attack men, even sexually, just as much as men attack women. Others claim that vast numbers of reported rapes of women, as much as half or even more, are fabrications designed to destroy men they don’t like or to gain the upper hand in contested custody cases. What follows is a brief look at some of these claims and what the best science really shows.

THE CLAIM Men’s rights activists often insist that men are victimized by sex crimes and abuse just as much as women are, if not more. This assertion is meant to support their contention that the courts and laws outrageously favor women.

THE REALITY A major 2010 study by the Centers for Disease Control’s National Center for Injury Prevention and Control thoroughly debunks such claims. Nearly one in five American women (18.3%), the study found, have been raped; the comparable number for men is one in 71 (1.4%). Not only that, but more than half (51.1%) of female victims reported that their rapist was an intimate partner — a current or former spouse or boyfriend, or a date. According to a 2000 study by the Department of Justice, female rape victims were also about twice as likely as male rape victims to be injured during an assault (31.5% versus 16.5%), even though many women do not physically resist their attackers for fear of injury. Overall, the studies found, most violence of all kinds against women (64%) came from current or former intimate partners, while that is true for only about one-sixth (16.2%) of men. Women were also far more likely to be stalked than men (16.2% versus 5.2%), and two-thirds of women’s stalkers (66.2%) were current or former intimate partners, compared to four in 10 for men (41.4%). A 2005 Department of Justice study also found that between 1998 and 2002, 84% of spousal abuse victims were female, as were 86% of victims of abuse at the hands of a dating partner. Males made up 83% of all spouse murderers and 75% of dating partner murderers.

THE CLAIM In another effort to show that men are discriminated against, many men’s rights activists assert that women attack men just as much as men attack women, if not more. The website is one of many that criticizes what it characterizes as “the myth that women are less violent than men.”

THE REALITY Men’s rights groups often cite the work of Deborah Capaldi, a researcher with the Oregon Learning Center, to back their claim. Capaldi did find that women sometimes initiate partner violence, although women involved in mutually aggressive partner relationships were more likely to suffer severe injuries than the men. But Capaldi studied only a very particular subset of the population — at-risk youth — rather than women in general, invalidating any claim that her findings applied generally. In fact, the 2000 Department of Justice study found that violence against both women and men is predominantly male violence. Nine in 10 women (91.9%) who were physically assaulted since the age of 18 were attacked by a male, while about one in seven male assault victims (14.2%) were victimized by females. Similarly, all female rape victims in the study were attacked by a male, while about a third of male victims (35.8%) were raped by a female.

THE CLAIM Close to half or even more of the sexual assaults reported by women never occurred. Versions of this claim are a mainstay of sites like, which specializes in vilifying women who allegedly lie about being raped. Such claims are also sometimes made by men involved in court custody battles.

THE REALITY This claim, which has gained some credence in recent years, is largely based on a 1994 article in the Archives of Sexual Behavior by Eugene Kanin that found that 41% of rape allegations in his study were “false.” But Kanin’s methodology has been widely criticized, and his results do not accord with most other findings. Kanin researched only one unnamed Midwestern town, and he did not spell out the criteria police used to decide an allegation was false. The town also polygraphed or threatened to polygraph all alleged victims, a now-discredited practice that is known to cause many women to drop their complaint even when it is true. In fact, most studies that suggest high rates of false accusations make a key mistake — equating reports described by police as “unfounded” with those that are false. The truth is that unfounded reports very often include those for which no corroborating evidence could be found or where the victim was deemed an unreliable witness (often because of drug or alcohol use or because of prior sexual contact with the attacker). They also include those cases where women recant their accusations, often because of a fear of reprisal, a distrust of the legal system or embarrassment because drugs or alcohol were involved. The best studies, where the rape allegations have been studied in detail, suggest a rate of false reports of somewhere between 2% and 10%. The most comprehensive study, conducted by the British Home Office in 2005, found a rate of 2.5% for false accusations of rape. The best U.S. investigation, the 2008 “Making a Difference” study, found a 6.8% rate.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 01:57 am
Don't stop fighting. There are others who value you.
In a sense I dont fight, I have never once lifted a hand in anger, starting when I got slugged on the school playground in 5th grade, and continuing through all the nasty things the bullies did to me till they lost interest around 11th grade.

I dont fight, but I dont conform either. I consciously decided this very early in 9th grade, but was living it long before. Take your best punch, I will live aint no big deal, and I will show you how little I think of your physical assault by doing absolutely nothing to stop it.

When it comes to arguing ideas however I always stand up and fight, because ideas should be fought over, but I will never stay silent on demand or use the words you want me to use.

Seems contradictory I know, but it has the same root. I demand to be me, and if someone has a problem with that then **** them. Not fighting back was intended to be a " **** you", and it was taken that way, I was a big guy, I could have done some major damage.

You can imagine I am sure how appalled I am with todays Borg youth, who have no idea who they are as individuals, have in fact almost no ability to operate as individuals.

Firefly has made the comparison between Rogers and me and most of it is BS, but I do understand exactly how he was hurting when he did not fit anywhere, could not over years figure out how to fit anywhere. For me it was different because I was outside the herd by choice, Where as Rogers did not know what moves to make I did but I refused to do what was required to be a part of the herd. I dont know exactly why, but like Rogers I early had a strong sense of self, violating what I though was who I was on someone elses demand is for what ever reason something that I have always been unwilling to do.

It was not till university that I felt accepted for who I was, felt free to be me, and I finally was able to score women. University was an amazing time for me, even though I left without a degree after years of hard work on an engineering degree, again by choice.

And now I am a socialist, but I will spare you the many pages it would take to get from my childhood to that.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 02:57 am
but I do understand exactly how he was hurting when he did not fit anywhere, could not over years figure out how to fit anywhere. For me it was different because I was outside the herd by choice, Where as Rogers did not know what moves to make I did but I refused to do what was required to be a part of the herd. I dont know exactly why, but like Rogers I early had a strong sense of self, violating what I though was who I was on someone elses demand is for what ever reason something that I have always been unwilling to do.

Hawkeye what you describe is what thousands of people have been through male or female. It's called having your own identity, being different, not having an will or desire to belong to the cool club, yet knowing you are not a nerd, I am sure you were rebellious in your own way as well on top of that.

Elliot had a mental illness. No matter how he tried to either fit in by joining what others did, or change his hair colour, or change his clothes he did not fit it. He didn't have self worth. He had friends, he had girls hug him, he had a Mother who pushed him to socialise, but, when his friends had a better life, or the girls had a boyfriend or his Mother didn't move on into a wealthy environment, when he felt no power, he'd again try to find that but never did. He didn't even get attention for saving his Brother from drowning, that even angered him. Yet, he had "a heart" all be it small, wanting to make sure his brother was okay and his friend who's Mother died from Cancer... But it was short lived. Because he then envied this Friend and wanted to kill his Brother on that fatal day, because both were better than him.

If you are happy within yourself, no amount of bulling or feeling left out matters as we evolve and change and bring that character into life as we mature and we become whole, whereas those that did all the bulling or laughing for the most count, are losers or un-happy with their own life. We are rich.

He was a sick puppy who felt a different power one that he kept fighting for that he could not own.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 03:06 am
He didn't have self worth
actually he had a lot, FIrefly has called him a narcissist, and maybe that is the right word. For me it was not either worthy or not worthy, it was more " this is me and me is not going to become what you want just because you demand it" value on how good me was at that point.

Rogers deciding to stop fighting interests me, why did he give up, why did he decide that he could never win, why did he decide to go out in pools of blood?? I am still thinking that this is all about getting lied to, about betrayed trust, and about knowing that he is part of an underclass (male). Society was not anti male at all when I was a kid, it was actually anti female a bit, and I learned really early that adults lie (learned it at home) so that was no big deal, I never was let down because I never expected to hear the truth.

EDIT: I think it likely that the major problem, the one that cause the rampage, was actually the exact opposite of what everyone is assuming. I think it was way too many years of a naive trust in the collective and in adults, that when it crashed crashed big. This was absolutely not about hurting
women, or women hurting him.....this was him reaching out to hurt the collective, because he was pissed that the collective had hurt him. And he was deeply hurting , no doubt about it.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 03:49 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
He didn't have self worth
actually he had a lot, FIrefly has called him a narcissist, and maybe that is the right word. For me it was not either worthy or not worthy, it was more " this is me and me is not going to become what you want just because you demand it" value on how good me was at that point.

Rogers deciding to stop fighting interests me, why did he give up, why did he decide that he could never win, why did he decide to go out in pools of blood?? I am still thinking that this is all about getting lied to, about betrayed trust, and about knowing that he is part of an underclass (male). Society was not anti male at all when I was a kid, it was actually anti female a bit, and I learned really early that adults lie (learned it at home) so that was no big deal, I never was let down because I never expected to hear the truth.

EDIT: I think it likely that the major problem, the one that cause the rampage, was actually the exact opposite of what everyone is assuming. I think it was way too many years of a naive trust in the collective and in adults, that when it crashed crashed big. This was absolutely not about hurting
women, or women hurting him.....this was him reaching out to hurt the collective, because he was pissed that the collective had hurt him. And he was deeply hurting , no doubt about it.
1. He was very timid and he was ruled by fear.
2. He assumed that the social paradime required females
to actively seek him out, as he passively accepted them.
3. He became delusional, out of touch with reality.

He was an authoritarian collectivist.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 03:56 am
Yes he had all the traits of being a narcissist and I 100% agree with FF, people have just simply labelled it ego.

Rogers deciding to stop fighting interests me, why did he give up, why did he decide that he could never win, why did he decide to go out in pools of blood??
I'm still reading in depth this time. In my opinion at present, he wanted "hope" he found "hope" a reason to be happy to live. That got squashed. He wanted power, he found a tool that he thought would deliver it, did he see his Father as powerful in the end? IDK. Then it was money and when he didn't win the "huge" lottery after pouring in hundreds of dollars, to be rich, that was his final answer, to be rich, he could have anyone and let's face it that is the case, he gave up.

He had suicidal thoughts though way before this and expressed them, his family spent 3 hours comforting him. Isn't this the time they should have changed their thought pattern to him just being socially awkward to a troubled child?

Hawk. Where was he lied to? His Father tried to give him a more should I state, Christian way of thinking, his Mother gave him everything.. His Step Mother gave a lot of discipline. Teachers welcomed him, girls hugged him at some stage, guys befriended him... Where were the lies? In his head they were everywhere but he was the one that chose not to continue socialising, to disconnect (due to illness) to not see the hugs from girls, rather see them move on to some guy and not him.

This is what you learnt.

I don't agree with that, it's evident he was loved, at least by his Mother, by a few friends he be-friended, it was about attention seeking, if he wasn't the centre of it, he couldn't work out why. If he wasn't he tried to be that, he couldn't do it he had problems with football, with skateboarding, with everything.. He didn't even get recognition for saving his Brother as no one saw it, that pissed him off. He lived in a dream world of mountains, climbing and nature and its beauty so he wanted beauty, that love that he saw and felt but couldn't get it.

He had social problems and "everyone" in his family tried to change that not knowing the other inner problems he had.

He was happy in his childhood, very.. He handled school and the cool guys, he had it down packed. Not perfect but down packed until he got bullied.

He never liked himself, too short, wrong genes, could be other issues in others matters which FF has tried to disclose, I think I know what she is thinking there. He didn't even like porn or naked girls, repulsed him he wanted to be a child again.

I agree with FF, that I don't think his parents told him anything about sex nor the schools, education. His parents asked and he hid it stating he had no drive, he had a huge drive, daily masturbating after school.

I don't think his Step Mother helped him, she to me tried tough love that's ok with people like you and me, but not someone like Elliot. It enraged him and made him want to be more powerful.

His Father he loved and admired but he ended up away for a lot of the time instead of his fond memories of him playing kites, he was deserted by his Father in the end at a time he needed him.

All he had in the end was his Mother and he got what ever he wanted from her, he couldn't stand the thought of her dying of Cancer, which suggests he used her for what he wanted but he respected her.

It was his Step Mother he intended to kill and "her" child as he felt she taunted him over his half brother, his half brother will make it and have sex, you won't. That is his thoughts, was his thoughts. If they hadn't gone out for dinner that night, both of them would be dead.....

0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:09 am
He had no respect for the Rights of the Individual.
He ASSUMED that justice requires equality
such that no one had any right to do better than Elliot did.
He very, very, redundantly, redundantly, asserted that
because of his failure to do well with chicks
(with whom he was disabled by fear from opening a conversation)
any other guys had no right to be more successful than that;
i.e., thay were morally bound (or legally bound) to restrain themselves,
even if thay never knew him nor met him.
He bitterly complained of being "invisible",
implying that, in his solitude, fellow students
were duty-bound to seek him out socially.

He further assumed that selfishness is bad,
again with no effort to prove it.

His key failure was to have ventured forth
to be FRIENDLY with chicks whom he wanted to date.

He repeatedly alleged that it was a "crime" for other guys
to lead happier or better lives than he did. He did not
indicate WHICH statute those guys violated,
to constitute a crime.

I wish that I 'd known him, socially.
It wud have been fun to argue with him.
He wanted friends.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:19 am
so you have this kid who refuses to ever walk up to a girl, in fact pretty much refuses to talk to anyone, who gets offended that girls dont come up to him and try to make out with him...what is that? Delusional yes, but also full of himself, as in with a high sense of worth. Low sense of worth would be "if I go over there she will blow me off, and I dont want to go through that", but he would not be expecting her to come over either.

No matter how I look at this kid the view is always some form of he thinks the world outside of him is a certain way, or should be, and the reality is something else. And we see him trying to figure the world out by watching and listening but also refusing to interact with the world. He is a passive bystander trying to figure it out, and he gets nowhere. And nobody seems too concerned, nobody takes an interest in his failure to adapt until he starts saying disturbing things, which gets him sent to the docs, who he refuses to talk to. Even after the end dad says " he was a great kid"

For 22 years he floats through the collective, almost as if he is a ghost. He is smart enough to pass his classes, he does not make trouble for anyone, and so no one takes any interest in him, in how he is doing. He makes no effort to bond with the collective though he is at least latter deeply hurting from the lack of connection , the collective takes no interest in him until explodes in pools of blood.

And we blaming the blood on him? It was the collectives job to socialize him. It was the collectives job to notice if there were problems in the socializing program and to take corrective action.

I think this is a lesson in the price the collective pays for failure to perform, even before we get into the creation of the male underclass. and educations part in this. This is what happens when good little boys who cause no trouble dont get any attention because all of the attention goes to the girls and the boys who are not doing what they are told.

Even now they all say there was never indication of a problem because he never gave any indication of being violent....that is the only thing that was or is of interest to anybody once he was passing his classes, the possibility of violence. The fact that he was disengaged, by all accounts could not even barely communicate with people, was deeply hurting, that all got not noticed, because nobody was looking at how HE was doing, no one cared, not even the parents. Even now no one cares, even though has has left us 140 pages and some dead bodies trying to get us to care.

Elliot Roger got his revenge for the slight of us not caring about him.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:23 am
Everything my father taught me was proven wrong. He raised me to be a
polite, kind gentleman. In a decent world, that would be ideal. But the polite, kind gentleman doesn’t
win in the real world. The girls don’t flock to the gentlemen. They flock to the alpha male. They flock to
the boys who appear to have the most power and status. And it was a ruthless struggle to reach such a
It was too much for me to handle. I was still a little boy with a fragile mind. Thinking about such things
would only crush my innocence, and it eventually will. But not at this point. I subconsciously wanted to
enjoy my childhood as much as I could, so I tried not to think about this new revelation and enjoy life in
the moment. I put it all aside, to be pondered over later
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:34 am
Thanx for the link, Firefly.

0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:38 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
Everything my father taught me was proven wrong. He raised me to be a
polite, kind gentleman. In a decent world, that would be ideal. But the polite, kind gentleman doesn’t
win in the real world. The girls don’t flock to the gentlemen. They flock to the alpha male. They flock to
the boys who appear to have the most power and status. And it was a ruthless struggle to reach such a
It was too much for me to handle. I was still a little boy with a fragile mind. Thinking about such things
would only crush my innocence, and it eventually will. But not at this point. I subconsciously wanted to
enjoy my childhood as much as I could, so I tried not to think about this new revelation and enjoy life in
the moment. I put it all aside, to be pondered over later

He fell into error in assuming,
without evidence, that chicks are all single-minded,
taking no notice of how thay fiercely fight one another,
like a duck takes to water.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:38 am
See any of your favorite sites in this list? You sound just like some of them. And the SPLC considers them hate groups.

No. I don't.

Again, you're using mainstream feminist propaganda and rhetoric as "evidence" to support your "claims" that men somehow deserve fewer rights and privileges than women do.

I will repeat myself:

Being born male DOES NOT make it acceptable to be treated as sub-human.

Being born male DOES NOT mean you are automatically at fault for all of society's ills.

Rape laws should be fairer to BOTH genders.

Men deserve just as many rights and privileges as women do.

Men's issues are just as deserving of attention as women's are.

Men are ENTITLED to an EQUAL voice in society.

Men are NOT disposable, nor are they meant to be supplicants to an unjust media, an unjust judicial system, or an unjust and HATEFUL subset of society known as feminist ideology and their sympathizers.


I've got news for you, men ARE NOT going to role over as a gender and let women walk all over them.

Men as a gender will NOT tolerate females treating them badly.

My voice is but one in a sea of voices that are fed up with being the scapegoat for all of society's ills.

As I see it, there are three subsets of people in society:

1) Women (who have intrinsic value SIMPLY because they were born with a womb and eggs. Simply because they are the vessel that allows human life to continue.)

2) Men who have been deemed by females (through HARD fought competition and/or advantages they were born with) as having "status" or "worth" (again deemed by females).

3) Men deemed as having little or no worth. These are the males who have poor social skills. The males who are "unattractive". The males who don't have much money. The males who don't have social status.

The HUMAN BEINGS in this third category or no less deserving of a voice in society than the other two.

Men have (statistically speaking) been the prognosticators of the MOST important advancements in human history. MEN were! Men invented electricity, discovered the atom, created the internet, ect. ect.

I'm sure that PLENTY of these men were deemed "unworthy" by the females in their lives, and yet they went on to better ALL of human kind through their ingenuity.

I will never accept that hatred of men is OK.

You've still not been able to respond to my point that:

Can you imagine if ANY other ideology aggressively promoted the idea that if ANYONE disagreed with them, that automatically made them social outcasts who are AUTOMATICALLY "at fault" and "part of the problem"; that that AUTOMATICALLY discredited their stance (simply by disagreeing or suggesting a differing viewpoint)?

They would be looked at as a fanatical, delusional, joke!

Feminism asserts that ANYONE who disagrees with it is a "misogynist", and "part of the problem", SIMPLY for disagreeing!!!

I'm sure that the KKK or the Westboro Baptist church would LOVE to have you amongst their fold...
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:43 am
hawkeye10 wrote:
Elliot Roger got his revenge for the slight of us not caring about him.
It does not appear that any of his victims
were his designated "enemies". Thay were random strangers,
un-related to his experience (e.g., 2 bicyclists he hit with his car)
and 2 Chinamen who shared space in his apt. that were incidentally in his way.

The guys n chicks of whom he complained remain intact.
He wrote of murdering his little brother
to prevent him from surpassing Elliot,
but the boy is un-scathed.

He said that his "Retribution" wud shake the foundations of the world
and it wud "re-define human nature". I dont think it worked out that way.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:43 am
I'm sure that the KKK or the Westboro Baptist church would LOVE to have you amongst their fold...

I have been telling her for years to go apply to the North Koreans, as she has never seen a state action against the citizens that she does not approve of.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 04:52 am
You are a M I S A N D R I S T to the utmost!
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 10:55 am
Another take on a matter related to Elliott Rodger's conceptions about women, from a nerd:

Elliott Rodger and Nerd Lust for Women
Your Princess Is in Another Castle: Misogyny, Entitlement, and Nerds
by Arthur Chu

I don't want to just copy a clip, better to read the whole thing.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 12:15 pm
So I have read a fair chunk of the 140 pages. Two things:

By 15 he had already mostly given up, but he was deeply appreciative of anyone who broke through to him, even if it was just for one short interaction.

The time from 15 forwards has the feel of what I have seen with a lot of female childhood sexual abuse victims....he knows how broken he is, and he has developed some coping mechanisms to get him by after a fashion, in Rodgers case WOW mostly. But over time these mechanisms break down under the strain, they cant do so much over such a long time as they are trying to be forced to do. With sexual abuse survivors you start to see the failure of work arounds in their 30's, and as they break down one of two things happens, they either reach out finally for help, or they kill themselves. The pain is too great, doing nothing gets to be no longer an option. The last threads of denial break, as they are in abject misery and nothing they do works to lift the pain anymore and they have to admit that they cant fix them themselves. But for years, sometimes decades before one of those things happen they almost always have enough self awareness to know that they are drowning, and this is exactly what it feels like to them as they are going through it. Rodgers knew that he was going down at least by age 15. CSA victims are often intensely angry, and often with the collective, but they dont generally take take people out with them. This I dont get.
Finn dAbuzz
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 12:23 pm
At the risk of the withdrawal of your endorsement I have to point out that my comment was not specifically directed at anything Hawkeye wrote. Instead it was a response to the assertions I have been seeing and hearing (for the most part outside of this forum) that Roger's killing spree is somehow relevant to the rights and conditions of women in this country. If anyone is suggesting that his rampage was a reaction to "feminist" influence on our society I would argue that their position is equally absurd. I don't know that Hawkeye has taken such a position.

One thing about Roger's motivation that is perfectly clear is that he was mentally ill. A sane, mentally stable person does not go on a random killing spree and then kill themself, regardless of the issues that appear to trigger the rampage.

Rejection, bullying, politics, gun ownership et al do not explain these mass killings since millions upon millions of people have been rejected, bullied, hold fringe political views and own guns and never killed or seriously injured anyone. The instances, although shockingly horrendous, are very rare and the common element is always mental health, and when someone is so sick that they can contemplate and carry out these acts, any trigger will do.

Developing a society in which there isn't even a hint of misogyny (if that was even possible) would not eliminate these killings. Nor would the equally impossible achievements of eradicating bullying, ensuring no one ever loses a job, or preventing anyone from possessing a gun.

It is understandable that these horrific crimes may lead to a discussion of the associated issues such as misogyny, bullying etc, but attempts to include cause & effect arguments are, in my opinion, absurd, and intended, largely, to imbue the person's particular cause (or obsession) with a life and death significance it doesn't warrant.
0 Replies
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 12:35 pm
ANother thing: A few years before the end Rodger actually did break down and ask for help, at the dinner where he told His parents and the people they were having dinner with that he wanted to die.

THeir response, spend three hours talking him up. That is it. This reminds me of a story I read about a woman who tried multiple times to get into a psych hospital but most of the beds are now almost all gone and finding an open one hard to do. One day she swallows a bottle of pills and then walks to the next room to tell hubby. Then she says " they have to take me now". Rodger was so ignored that this is the kind of thing that he would have needed to do to get help.
Reply Sat 31 May, 2014 12:46 pm
Andrew Clark: What do they do to you?
Allison Reynolds: They ignore me.
Andrew Clark: Yeah... yeah.

Breakfast club

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