Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 06:20 pm
No, they are not routinely doing any of those things. That's absurd.
it does not take a lot of IQ points to figure out the we are seeing more young hopeless engaged mentally disturbed young men going on shooting and bombing rampages.

Teaching young people how to to better handle their frustrations, and how to better manage feelings of rage and anger, is the solution

no, it is a coping mechanism when the body is diseased, it is not a healer of the disease....and let me be clear, this collective is deeply ill. I have over the years here been pointing out individual indications of disease, one of which is all of the lies and abuse that the feminists heap on us, of particular interest in this rampage is the collectives abuse of young males.

Take a look at the harmful messages that men send to other men
top of list" do what the women and those in power tell you to do, do not stick up for yourself and do not stick up for unsubmissive men". Let's religate " if momma aint happy nobody is happy" to the scrap heap of history, where it belongs. Men absolutely must stop caving in to abusive manipulative women, we must stop modeling this behavior to our sons...and to our daughters.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 06:41 pm
I think this started (more or less) when he cottoned on to that he was short.

That was in childhood, and he didn't remain short--he was of average height--and his height no longer concerned him when he was in his last years of high school or later on. He thought he was "godly"--that's why he couldn't understand female lack of interest in him, even though he acknowledges he sometimes acted "weird" and had social problems.

His life was marked by jealousy and envy, of whatever he didn't have. He was never fully satisfied with what he did have--and he had plenty--and he was aware of that. He didn't have a great deal of insight, but he wasn't totally lacking in that department either.

Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 07:14 pm
While you've made some strong points in other recent posts, you have some very flawed logic here:

it was his male peers who ridiculed him for that, and who flaunted their greater attractiveness to females, and their sexual prowess, over him.

Males flaunt their greater attractiveness to other men because women are a big reason (if not THE main reason) for any sort of competition in the first place.

Again, because sperm is CHEAP, but a womb is VALUABLE, men are in low demand in society. Women are not.

Men are FORCED to compete with one another if they wish to see their lineage live on. Men must seek to be the most successful, the most attractive, the most wealthy in order to have a chance at breeding with ANY woman and her precious eggs.

He couldn't cope with male-defined notions of masculinity, and he couldn't display the behaviors that his male peers, and SOCIETY, told him defined a real man.

Take a look at what males do to other males, and the messages men send to each other about masculinity, if you really want to understand the problem.

Women look down at, make fun of, and emasculate men that have trouble competing with other men. Society indeed plays the biggest role, and that society has become in large part dominated by women and what they view as being an acceptable man. Men then reinforce this by competing with each other while women watch and mock the ones who can't keep up.

If in some science fiction, a society of humans could exist with only one gender, you could hypothesize that there would be much less competition.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 07:15 pm
Let's religate " if momma aint happy nobody is happy" to the scrap heap of history, where it belongs. Men absolutely must stop caving in to abusive manipulative women, we must stop modeling this behavior to our sons...and to our daughters.

This young man had a mother who gave him whatever he wanted, when ever he wanted it, "with precision"--according to him--and that's how he felt all women should treat him. Maybe mothers should stop leading their sons to believe they are princes, because this kid's momma led him to believe he was a prince.

He really had no contact with "abusive manipulative women". He describes all of the main females in his life--his mother, all of his female nannies, his grandmothers, etc. as all being loving, kind, supportive, and very indulgent of him. He had no complaints about them, or about female teachers. The only woman he complained about was his step-mother, and his reasons for doing that were based on her influence with his father--he saw her as his rival. She did try to discipline him more than his overly indulgent mother. But he acted like a thoroughly spoiled brat, never regarded her as a legitimate parental authority, and was so disrespectful of her, that she appropriately kicked him out of the house she shared with his father, and he hated his father for allowing her to have that much influence, because he was the eldest son, so daddy should have ignored how his wife was being treated by his extremely snotty kid.

The only abuse, and bullying, he describes in his life, came from male peers. And no one told him not to stick up for himself.

Try reading his manifesto, rather than trying to promote your usual agenda.
ill. I have over the years here been pointing out individual indications of disease, one of which is all of the lies and abuse that the feminists heap on us, of particular interest in this rampage is the collectives abuse of young males.

And all those years, you've been wrong. And you're still wrong. And you're particularly wrong in the case of this young man. If he was victimized by anything, it was by male-created conceptions of masculinity that he couldn't compete with--and it was other male peers who kept reminding him of that failing on his part.

Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 07:28 pm
First things first....that would be to ask why so many men are in sad shape, then we can figure out the answer. I present the reason I think is most likely, but I dont claim to be sure.
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Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 07:51 pm
But, sexual assaults, and complaints of sexual assaults on campuses, have become all too routine. And, rather than look at that, you try to deny that the problem of sexual assault on campuses even exists.

You seem to feel a need to ignore how harmful the rape paranoia on campuses has been to innocent young men. Campuses have incentives (many government based) to treat ANY claims of rape as legitimate (no matter whether they are false or not) because of the feminist climate of fear we live in.

Please read this, another great piece from Time (this time an essay from the FEMALE author of the book 'The War On Boys') about the harmful effects of this imaginary "Rape culture" we supposedly live in.


sex and pleasure" should just fall into the lap of any male who walks on a college campus--as a male entitlement.

there was no rational reason females should have been falling at his feet and spreading their legs for him--but other males, and the media, defined that expectation for him.

But sex and pleasure should just fall into the lap of any female who walks on a college campus? It could be argued that's felt as a female entitlement too. Often if a male can't perform adequately during sex they are ridiculed cruelly by females, who expect to not have to do any of the work in it in regards to making it "good".

And is it fair that women are able to merely spread their legs, and men will practically break their legs running over, trying to compete to get in? Is it fair that ALL women have to do to have sex is spread their legs? I'm playing devil's advocate with these questions simply to try to get you to understand the frustration some young men experience caused by inequality in terms of which sex is considered the more "in demand" gender.

Also, I seriously want to know why when there are TWO people involved in drunken sex, it so often later seen that ONLY the male acted irresponsibly or took advantage of the situation. That is the default attitude in society.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 07:53 pm
Women look down at, make fun of, and emasculate men that have trouble competing with other men.

But no women did that to Elliot Rodger.

All of the ridiculing, and taunting, and insult, came from male peers.
Men are FORCED to compete with one another if they wish to see their lineage live on.

The other adolescent and young adult males who did this to Elliot Rodgers were not concerned with seeing their "lineage live on"--give me a break--it was some boastful young men putting another down because, "we got laid and you haven't"--and even Elliot wondered how truthful they were being about their ability to score.
Society indeed plays the biggest role, and that society has become in large part dominated by women and what they view as being an acceptable man. Men then reinforce this by competing with each other while women watch and mock the ones who can't keep up.

I don't see a society "in large part dominated by women"--in all three branches of government, women are in a distinct minority. The media, including the movie and TV industry, is mainly controlled by men. All main financial institutions, and most personal wealth in the country is controlled by men.

And I don't see women mocking anyone who is still a virgin at the age of 20 or 21. Why on earth would a woman even want to do that?

Sure there is competition in the dating and mating game, and women are in competition with other women, just as men compete with other men. I'm not sure that anyone is at a distinct disadvantage in that sphere simply on the basis of gender. You're just not paying attention to all the young women who complain they can't get dates, or meet someone decent.

Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:06 pm
Seems to me that young men were more happy and healthy back in the bad old days when little boys were encouaged to grow up into manly men.

Your miliage may vary.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:14 pm
I would like to point out that Boomer, who has a teen boy, sounded almost right there with me up to to the point of me regretting that our perp here did not get laid.
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Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:17 pm
Women look down at, make fun of, and emasculate men that have trouble competing with other men.

But no women did that to Elliot Rodger.

You don't know that for sure. There is NO WAY you could ever know that as fact. I can't know that. No one can.

The other adolescent and young adult males who did this to Elliot Rodgers were not concerned with seeing their "lineage live on"--give me a break

No, you give me a break! At the core of ALL pursuit of sex (recreational or otherwise, and even including bragging about it because that would imply sexual virility) is the evolutionary imprint of the drive to further our species and our genes. This is true in BOTH men and women.

And I don't see women mocking anyone who is still a virgin at the age of 20 or 21.

Did you grow up on Mars? This is a commonplace occurrence. There is even a principle behind it. If women see that other attractive females like a particular male, they in turn begin to find that male attractive. The reasoning being that if that male is experienced enough to have attracted those coveted females, than he must be desirable for some reason. And being seen with him will validate a woman's own sense of attractiveness by association. It's merely one great example of the very twisted logic females use to determine what men they deem desirable.

Sure there is competition in the dating and mating game, and women are in competition with other women, just as men compete with other men. I'm not sure that anyone is at a distinct disadvantage in that sphere simply on the basis of gender. You're just not paying attention to all the young women who complain they can't get dates, or meet someone decent.

No, you are ignoring that one man could potentially repopulate the entire earth if need be. One woman could not. That is the law of supply and demand in regards to sperm and eggs. No one can argue that men and women are in equal supply and demand in terms of mating.

But (and I'm only stating this because a certain poster likes to project meaning into my words.) That's not an excuse for men to not strive to better themselves. If for no other reason than to fight against feminist hypocrisy.
0 Replies
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:19 pm
Also, I seriously want to know why when there are TWO people involved in drunken sex, it so often later seen that ONLY the male acted irresponsibly or took advantage of the situation. That is the default attitude in society.
This is one of those injustices that come from a powerful lobby group - I notice that in a number of places, it can be considered in law that a woman was too drunk to give consent, should she wake up in the morning and have regrets & make a rape complaint....even when both her and the guy consented but were drunk.

If they were both of a similar state of intoxication...and the woman consents...but was after the fact considered too drunk to give consent, this means that at law, she was too drunk to be responsible for her decisions & actions...why then is the male, at law, responsible for his decisions & actions while the woman is not?
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:25 pm
You seem to feel a need to ignore how harmful the rape paranoia on campuses has been to innocent young men

That's because the primary problem is sexual assault--and the harm created by such assaults--and I don't see it as unfounded "paranoia", I think it's a very real crime problem on campuses that needs to be better addressed.
Campuses have incentives (many government based) to treat ANY claims of rape as legitimate (no matter whether they are false or not) because of the feminist climate of fear we live in.

And yes, I think claims of sexual assault, whether made by males or females, should be taken seriously and investigated. It's the investigation that determines whether such claims appear valid or not.
I'm playing devil's advocate with these questions simply to try to get you to understand the frustration some young men experience caused by inequality in terms of which sex is considered the more "in demand" gender.

Anyone who believes that women are the more "in demand gender" simply is ignorant of all the frustrations females experience in the dating game. Men are "in demand"--women very much want to be involved with men, and to have boyfriends, but generally for a relationship that includes sex, but isn't limited to just sex.

Nothing you are saying is really worth my time to respond to.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:44 pm
Nothing you are saying is really worth my time to respond to.

Are some of my arguments a little too sound to disagree with?
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Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:46 pm
If they were both of a similar state of intoxication...and the woman consents...but was after the fact considered too drunk to give consent, this means that at law, she was too drunk to be responsible for her decisions & actions...why then is the male, at law, responsible for his decisions & actions while the woman is not?

YES!!!! And the laws regarding rape of males and assault against males are even more skewed. It's really disgusting.

+1 to you sir. Smile
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Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:47 pm
If they were both of a similar state of intoxication...and the woman consents...but was after the fact considered too drunk to give consent, this means that at law, she was too drunk to be responsible for her decisions & actions...

No, that's not what the law says. This isn't about "regrets" the next day over consensual sex--that's a defense to sexual assault/rape charges, used by defense attorneys to try to claim the sex was consensual.

When a woman brings a complaint like that, she's asserting she never gave consent, as the sexual assault law defines "consent", that she was too incapacitated by alcohol to have been competent to consent at the time, and/or she was too incapacitated to resist the unwanted sex at the time, and that her impaired state should have been apparent to the other person at the time of the sexual contact. That's the legal basis for her claim that she was sexually assaulted/raped.
..why then is the male, at law, responsible for his decisions & actions while the woman is not?

Whoever commits the act defined in the law as sexual assault/rape is the one held responsible for it. The one penetrating the body of another, without consent, is the one held responsible for the illegal act.

Nothing prevents a male from making a complaint that unwanted sexual contact/sexual penetration was forced on him when he was too incapacitated by alcohol to protest or resist. The law applies equally to both genders. It is meant to protect both genders.

Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 08:57 pm
Whoever commits the act defined in the law as sexual assault/rape is the one held responsible. The one penetrating the body of another, without consent, is the one held responsible.

Nothing prevents a male from making a complaint that unwanted sexual contact/sexual penetration was forced on him when he was too incapacitated by alcohol to protest or resist. The law applies equally to both genders. It is meant to protect both genders.

If the definition that a "rape" has occurred is simply an unwanted penetration, then how could that possibly be a fair law to both genders? Unless a lot of women enjoy fisting men in the asshole against their will...

The fact is that OFTEN what happens is that two equally drunk people have consensual sex. The next day if the woman decides she regrets it; she KNOWS that all she has to do is say that it was rape. Then any negativity is immediately deflected from her to the male. She avoids looking like a tramp. What happens to the male at this point in terms of damaging effects is irrelevant in both her eyes and the eyes of society.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 09:03 pm
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Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 09:14 pm

If the definition that a "rape" has occurred is simply an unwanted penetration, then how could that possibly be a fair law to both genders? Unless a lot of women enjoy fisting men in the asshole against their will...

Naïve one, women can insert objects into the anus of a man, without consent, and obviously a man can insert his penis into the mouth or anus of a woman, or another man, without consent. The laws cover unwanted sexual contacts that can occur male/female, male/male, and female/female.

The new federal definition of rape is
“The penetration, no matter how slight, of the vagina or anus with any body part or object, or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person, without the consent of the victim.”

That protects both men and women--equally--it is not gender-specific in its wording.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 09:26 pm
That protects both men and women--equally--it is not gender-specific.

The law is slanted to do more to protect women. F A C T. Men have one fewer orifice than women do. It's simple mathematics then that men are more likely to be guilty of "penetration" than woman are, especially when that one extra orifice for penetration is the MAIN avenue for most sex in human society.

Are you familiar with this woman?


Regardless of the legal status, society in large has looked the other way at her defiling of a child.While men who do the same thing are publicly crucified as some sort of monsters.
Reply Wed 28 May, 2014 09:34 pm
Firefly - I mentioned justice, rather than law. Laws can be unjust (take for example the Australian Nurse who was jailed in UAE for making a legitimate gang rape complaint about 2010 - I think)

No, that's not what the law says. This isn't about "regrets" the next day over consensual sex--that's a defense to sexual assault/rape charges, used by defense attorneys to try to claim the sex was consensual.

Your follow up to this is confused...you say it's a defence and then say it's not a defence if they were drunk...which is exactly what I was talking about.

I tell you what...please explain how there is justice in a law where...two equally drunk people do exactly the same thing together, and they both agree to do it together, and:
A. is not capable of making a decision, is not responsible for decisions & actions, and doesn't commit a crime; while
B. is capable of making a decision, is responsible for their decisions & actions, and does commit a crime.

If you can do that (rationally) without raising gender issues...then I will be very impressed.


If two different couples each have drunken consensual sex (and each have the same level of intoxication to their partners):
Couple A: the woman may go 'that was a great night'
Couple B: the woman may go 'ugh, now I hate myself...I will make a rape complaint'

The difference is in the feelings afterwards, rather than in the consent.

In the above type of sex, there aren't many other reasons for a woman (consenting to sex) to later make a rape complaint...other than regret.

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