Sun 9 May, 2004 05:27 pm
Hi i just recently wrote the words and music to a song called Don't Worry and i just thought i'd put the lyrics here to see what people thought.
Small voice in a crowd,
I wish somebody would listen,
Don't Worry,
I'm sure your too busy
I need you but you exploit,
You don't let me speak you don't give me a voice,
Don't Worry,
I'm not your concern.
You give me some money to help my cause,
But you demand it back you demand more and more,
Don't Worry,
cus i'm not as powerful as you
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, Don't Worry about me,
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, it's only a third world country.
Unfair but you agree,
You take from the poor, from those in need,
Don't Worry, there not your concern
Do you realise you play with there lives,
But it's only statistics you can't look in their eyes,
Don't Worry, cause there not as you.
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, Don't Worry about me,
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, it's only a third world country. x2
I'll soon be dead cus you didn't help me
but it doesn't really matter it's just a third world country
Don't worry cus i'll soon be dead
and I won't hit the conscience that is in your head
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, Don't Worry about me,
Don't Worry, Don't Worry, it's only a third world country. x2
Copyright Ian Hoare 2004
looks like you found right place this time to post, right on!
Lyrics really didn't blow me away. But luckily lyrics are, in my opinion, only a small percentage of songs.
65% melody, 15% guitar work, 10% lyrics, and 10% miscellaneous.
I would have to disagree with you COFTL, in my opinion Lyrics are a big part of a song. If I don't like the lyrics, I don't like the song. Lyrics with a good melody, and nice sounding guitars.
One of my all-time favorite songs.
The Road by Tenacious D
The road is fuckin' hard,
The road is fuckin' tough-ah,
There's no question that-eh
It is rough, rough stuff.
It's the fuckin' road my friend
But it's the only road I know.
When I'm lunchin' on a tasty boosh
Right after the show.
You g-go go go!
The road is fuckin' hard,
It's also really fuckin' tough,
There's no question that
It don't take no guff.
The road is a be-a-itch my friend
But it's the only fuckin' road I know,
When I'm snackin' on a tasty boosh
Right after the show.
You g-go go go!
I met a tasty baby in Michigan.
We screwed two times then I left.
Sometimes I think of my baby in Michigan.
Why can't I stay in one place
For more than two days.
Because I'm talkin' about the road.
Very simple lyrics(don't use the simple people like simple things line please), awesome guitar work, solid melody, and other good qualities. But I can understand how some people can put so much importance on lyrics.
Your lyrics are pretty good.