Sun 29 Dec, 2002 10:15 am
Death does not frighten me, only the process of dying.
To live ones life in its entirety, and then to pass on is natural. Only when that time is cut short by accident or illness does it become tragic
My wife had a great-great aunt who passed away in 1971. She was 106 years old, living in her home, and caring for her two youngest daughters, (81 and 84 years old), the others having already passed away.
One morning, Emma Rogers got up early, as usual, dressed and went into the kitchen to prepare breakfast; She made fried eggs with bacon, fresh biscuits with homemade strawberry jam, and a pot of coffee. When breakfast was ready, she went in to wake her daughters and help them get ready for breakfast.
They ate, exchanging pleasantries, and their mother cleaned up afterwards, putting everything away. When everything was done, the mother went into her room, sat down on her bed, and called her daughters in.
She had a pad and pencil, with her, which was quite common for her (old people's minds are quite forgetful, and it is common for them to write things down so they won't forget).
She handed the tablet to one of the daughters.
"You girls are going to have to go into a rest home." She said. "I'm not going to be able to care for you any longer."
"Why Momma?" Replied one of the daughters. "Why can't we stay here with you?"
The mother told the daughters that she had written down all the instructions, and had made arrangements for the sell of the house. That money would be used to pay for the girls stay in the rest home. All dispersal of her possessions had been clearly defined, and the daughters care, would be provided.
When all the instructions had been given to the daughters, the old woman lay back in her bed, and covered herself with her quilt (The same quilt that had been given to her on her wedding day), crossed her arms over her chest, closed her eyes, and went to sleep.
Sweet dreams for a very special lady
Sweet story! :-D
PS Welcome to Able2Know!
My wife is a story teller, and I try to capture some of them (in content), the way she so eloquently presents them
Again, "Thanks" I'm glad you enjoyed it.
Great story, ferrous! I'll be looking for more!