I'm glad he cleared in up for set that the phrase isn't chinglish.
(he's a little slow on the uptake sometimes....


This has been a great thread. Thanks all you wonderful people for making me laugh!

vast leben ist furimmer.
I have to say, I find this thread and most of the posts offensive.
Not really, but is it hard to imagine that an Asian-American might, and how would you react if they did?
Would you have felt as comfortable posting something parodying ebonics?
Maybe, but I doubt it.
I find both chinglish and ebonics funny, but the chances are that the former is not much of a problem while the latter is bound to get me in trouble.
One of those things you just have to wonder about.
Selective intolerance, you have to love it.
I know, I know...what a buzz-kill I am.
Here we are having some innocent enjoyment making fun of the way Chinese immigrants talk, and I have to spoil it.
Can I make it up to you by offering funny takes on the way Mexicans and Blacks talk?